chapter fifteen : a million reasons

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We sat in the car on the way to Harry's house and Rosie was extremely quite in the back seat. I kept peeking at her in the rear view mirror.

"What's wrong, Posie?" I said, and she looked at me in the mirror.

"I don't like new people momma." She said, her eyes wide.

"But Harry said you talked to Sarah already, so it's like meeting her again." I said, and she pushed her lips into a kissy face. She looked out the window, quite and to herself. We finally pulled into Harry's driveway. I got out and walked over to her side, opening the door and unbuckling her.

"I thought Harry was my best friend." She finally said, looking at me.

"You are baby, you're his favorite person, he told me." I smiled small and she shook her head.

"You his favorite person momma. He looks at you like this." She said, crossing her eyes and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah well he looks at you like this." I said, making a similar face and she giggled.

"Sarah his first best friend?" She said and I nodded.

"Mhm, like you were mine." I smiled and she took a deep breath.

"Okay, I be nice."

"I will be nice." I said and she repeated, pushing herself up and out of the seat into my arms. I placed her down, and she confidently walked up to the yellow front door.

I smiled and pulled out my phone quickly, texting Harry that she was nervous, before grabbing her bag and the pie I had made. I walked up and stood next to her, looking down, "You ready?"

She took a deep breath and nodded. I rang the door bell and soon Harry was opening it, "Oh my gosh it's my best friend! I thought you forgot and weren't coming anymore, bug." He said lowering himself to her eye level, and she giggled shaking her head.

"Nope. I change three times." She said covering her face and he laughed, kissing the top of her head.

"Well, I like your blue overalls, so I forgive you," he smiled and leaned in pretending to whisper, "I'm going to kiss your mummy now, okay? So close your eyes." She giggled and quickly covered her eyes with her hands.

I laughed, rolling my eyes as he stood up and kissed me softly, "Hi." He said and I giggled.

"Hi." I shook my head as he took the pie from me, and I held out my hand to Rosie as we walked in.

We moved into the living room space and Harry introduced us as he walked over to place the pie on the dinner table, "Guys this is Madeline and her daughter, Rosie. Ladies this is Sarah and Mitch. Their baby boy is asleep upstairs."

Well all said hi, and Rosie quickly turned and hid in my legs. I peeked down at her, biting my lip and ruffling her curls a bit. Sarah laughed and got up from the couch, walking over and squatting down in front of Rosie.

"Hi pretty girl. So, I was talking to Harry, and he told me, that you like being sneaky. I was thinking, maybe we can sneak an early birthday present." She said sweetly, and Rosie peeked out, looking at her then up at me.

"I guess we can make a small exception, just this once." I said to Rosie and she looked back at Sarah nodding.

"Perfect! Let me go get it." She smiled getting up and winking at me causing me to chuckle slightly.

Harry came back over and walked us to the couch, we sat down with Rosie in the middle of us, his arm settling along the back of the couch. His fingers fell to my neck tracing it softly and I turned to him and smiled. He smiled softly and turned to Mitch, raising an eyebrow.

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