Chapter 1, Not over yet

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      A soft laugh blew air over your ear as you gave a stretch of your paws.
"I do like spending days like this," Ominis whispered, nudging against your head.
"Me too," you admitted with sleep settling over your mind again.
You had chosen an area not far from the castle, but secluded so no one would see a house cat lounging with a leopard. Though you both took the forms of cats, they were vastly different.
"It's nice not having worries or years worth of homework to do."
He chuckled. "I can imagine."
You peaked out from under your lids, seeing him smelling the air as he tensed.
"Sebastian's prowling again?"
"He's nearby, but I think he's learned his lesson about scaring you while you sleep."
You huffed as you moved your head to lay across his paw. "It's his own fault."
"Was not. You shouldn't have clawed me that deeply!" His voice drifted your way, getting you to look over seeing the silver fox just before he was tackled by the red one.
"You shouldn't have said anything," Anne teased, bouncing away from her brother and sat down next to Natty. "You lose. You owe us a butterbeer."
"That's not fair, I was defending myself!" Sebastian looked towards you. "You're helping me buy them."
"No, I'm not. I just wanted to relax in the sun. You wanted to play hunter/prey."
Poppy raced over, breathing heavily. "Professor Fig," she started almost wheezing, but she said enough.
You climbed up to your feet and shifted, getting her to sigh. "Is he hurt?"
She shook her head as the Sallow twins, Natty and Ominis shifted.
"He needs to talk to you."
You didn't wait for more information, before you raced off towards the school, your friends trailing behind you.
Your time as animals had given you opportunity to explore the area well and an agility to avoid tripping over vines and branches.
Too many things could have gone wrong. The repository, your father, Ominis's parents.
It was better to get the information quickly.
Fig was waiting at the castle gates with an official looking man and Sharp.
"Ah, here she is."
You slowed to a walk, noticing their eyes turn to you. "What's this about?"
The man you didn't know, clocked your friends, before speaking. "May we speak in private?"
Fig gave you a smile, motioning for you to follow. "We can use my office."
Sharp stopped your friends from following, which made you look back worriedly, seeing them mirroring it.

      For added security, the man you didn't know placed a spell on the room to prevent people from listening in.
"Am I in trouble?"
Fig shook his head, a small smile showing on his face.
"This man is Richard Jordon, an auror," Sharp mentioned.
The man taking it as his que to begin, he took a step towards you. "We're having a problem with a Hamlet, I'm sure you're familiar with, Feldcroft. Specifically in Rookwood castle."
Confused, you glanced to Fig. "What does this have to do with me?"
"We can't see the cause of the destruction, but I know you can see things others can't. We think you might be able to help us."
"Rookwood castle had been destroyed and sucked up completely. It's eating its way towards the town."
Your eyes bugged. "I can definitely see how that's a problem."
"I need you to go to that town and stop it if you can. It's protected by aurors right now and they have been able to slow it enough for us to evacuate the towns people."
"When do you think it's best to leave?"
"As soon as possible. So please, get ready quickly."
"I'd like to go with her," Fig said quickly as you headed towards the door.
"Very well."
When you opened it, you saw three figures outside, hidden by the disillusionment charm.
You hurriedly shut the door.
"Such nosey friends I have," you teased as you headed down the stairs.
"Are you in trouble?" Ominis asked, breaking his spell.
"No, there's just an issue in one of the Hamlet's the aurors think I can help with," you answered quickly leading them from the room.
"So, they came here to request your help?" Sebastian asked, earning a sharp shushing. "What? This has to be huge. What's really going on?"
"I'm going to talk to the keepers. They may have more insight."

       They followed you down. Anne, who hadn't been down in the map chamber, looked around in awe.
"I was wondering when we'd see you. Charles told us about the destruction of his castle."
"What?!" Sebastian asked stepping closer to see your face.
"Sebastian, please. I'm trying to find this out too. I will explain everything." His heckles soothed so you looked to the keepers. "Can our magic go unstable after long periods?"
"Not as far as we know, but the magic at Rookwood castle had been tampered with by Ranrock. There's no way of knowing if he missed one and broke it's container," Percival answered. "If it is, I can't imagine the devastation it'll cause."
"According to the auror, it's taken Rookwood castle and slowly heading towards Feldcroft," you said, with Sebastian trying to step forward again, but was held back by Anne. "They're taking me there once I'm ready."
"What?" Ominis took your other side, his brows pinched. "It's too dangerous."
"If I don't go, it'll take out Feldcroft. The aurors are slowing it and have evacuated the town."
He made a small noise to let you know he didn't like this idea, but didn't press it.
"It does seem ancient magic is the probable cause of the disruption, but we won't know for sure until you visit and tell us," Bakar replied, getting you to sigh and nod.
"You're not going alone!" Ominis said, quickly catching your wrist. "This could be a trap as much as it could be ancient magic."
"You already told us where to go. We will go there and wait for you to show up. There's a floo network right outside," Sebastian said as Anne nodded.
Grumbling, you nodded. "Fine, meet us in Feldcroft and don't let anyone see or hear you."
Ominis squeezed your wrist, before following the twins out of the chamber.
"Let's hope none of us get hurt."
"Your friends are capable," Nimah replied, smiling at their retreating backs. "Besides, they could be what saves your life in the end. It's best to let these things run their course."
You huffed as you turned to leave.
"Good luck!" They called after you.

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