Chapter 10, Pure Creation

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Finding it best to go back to the hospital wing, your group did just that. Now that you had whatever it was that Salazar wanted, he was going to come after you again. This alone made Ominis on edge.
Sebastian tried to read the book over your shoulder, but it seemed to think he was trying to steal it, so it would always put up its barrier whenever he'd get close.

-I made a grave mistake that I can't fix, it is my only hope for someone strong enough to put it right. The magic you now wield is incredibly powerful. I sought to harness the magic that created life. The magic of the universe, but it can only be wielded by those who understand both sides of what the universe can bring to life. Love, Pain, Nurturing and Death. Because without the bad, we can't fully appreciate the good that comes into our lives. I have managed to harness it, but in doing so, I ended up creating events that lead to the death of too many people, just like it will happen for you. Since this magic is now yours to bear, you will bring on famine, droughts and floods. It won't be all at once, but it will get worse as time goes on and if you keep it for too long, it will kill all life. I locked it up and put stringent rituals to follow to ensure it's not easy for someone wanting to wield it for evil to get it. This magic is pure creation and can only be taken in by someone who has given their magic up to receive it and sacrificed of themselves. I saw the desperation of the one who would wield this one day. Someone with a friend who was born to be good and did evil things and another born to be evil, now good. I saw the man who wished to take it. If you act quickly, you can use this magic to defeat him. You have maybe from now until the next full moon to stop him before the famine begins, but I implore you to do what I couldn't and return this magic to where it belongs. Be warned, this magic comes at a higher price for you than it will for the world around you. Inside this book, I've incased all the spells I created, it doesn't require a wand to use, but it will help focus your magic. If you want the knowledge, press your hand to the pages and good luck my friend. I hope you succeed with your quest.-

"You look like you're going to hurl," Sebastian mentioned as he settled in the chair across from your bed.
That's an accurate statement. You did feel sick. Knowing what was going to happen.    
"The magic in that box was pure creation. The same magic that created life. This insane wizard harnessed it, but realized it was killing people because he had it," you admitted.
"Magic you now have. Does that mean it's going to happen again?" Anne asked, her eyes dancing between occupants of the room.
"Yeah and I don't know how to put it back or give it back to the universe or wherever he got it from."
"We'll figure it out," Sebastian replied, his eyes already drifting towards the window.
"If it does that to the world around you, what will it do to you?" Ominis asked, squeezing your hand.
You considered lying. It wasn't like they could read from the book, but if you were in their shoes, you'd want to know.   
"I don't know, it just said it'll come at a higher price for me than anyone else," you answered, getting his brows to pinch.
"How long?" He asked almost too softly to hear.
"A month maybe, before famine starts."
Sebastian nodded and stood. "Then we just find Salazar, take your magic back and return the creation one back to wherever it goes before the month is up. Easy."
Anne tossed a pillow at him for trying to joke at a time like this, but you laughed despite how heavy things were. "Yeah, easy."
"What? You're practically a general at war prep and we know Salazar will come back once he finds out you have what he wants, so we make a trap and spring it on him."
Shaking your head, you pressed your hands to the page of the book, seeing it engulf in golden light, before a headache hit like the Hogwarts express as spells and the location of where to return the magic flooded your mind.
The book was gone when the light faded, getting Anne and Sebastian to side glance. "Was that a good thing?"
You nodded. "I have all the knowledge contained in it and now Salazar can't get a hold of it."

     As time when on, you began to notice you were slowly getting stronger, but you also realized that plants were beginning to dry up from lack of water, no matter how much they got and you were being to be plagued by headaches. You could even feel your friends emotions whenever they were near as if they were your own. 
Ominis was taking notice of it and trying not to ask, even when he was burning with worry and fear. 
"You might as well ask, I can practically feel you wanting to." 
"That's still weird," Ominis replied as he sat down beside you. "We heard Salazar is raising an army to attack the school." 
You nodded. "Yes, he'll be here in a few days."
"Are you sure you're okay?"  
He shifted to face you a little more, the motion drawing your attention from the rain.
"I'm not sure anymore. The first couple days, it was easy to know who's emotions I was feeling, but they're muddled now. I've also noticed it's been raining more than I've ever seen it-"
He slid his hand to the side of your face and turned it to face him. "It's not your fault."
"It is actually. This magic is connecting me to everything in the universe, and connecting it to me."
It was nice of him to try lessening your role in what was happening, even when it was fruitless.   
"So, you're making it rain?"
You looked at him when he moved to press his palm to the window. His milky eyes stared forward, the droplets on the pane reflected in them. 
"Everyone is," you whispered, getting his head to turn towards you, knocking your noses against each other. "Close your eyes."
He hesitated, but closed them.
Carefully cupping the sides of his face, you moved it so you could press a kiss to each eyelid, pushing the smallest bit of magic into each one.
"Just in case-"
He shook his head, his arms pulling you against him. "No, you're going to be fine."
You weren't entirely sure. Even if you could give the magic back, could you go back to being the same person you were before?   
You inhaled sharply, feeling him bury his fingers into your hair. "I feel like I'm losing myself, Ominis."
His hold tightened as if knowing you had all along.
"Once all of this is over," he pulled back, opening his eyes showing a pair of clear silver blue eyes, that blinked rapidly as they realized what they were seeing. "I can...I-"
"You told me you wish you could see me everyday," you reminded, seeing his expression melt into a smile. "This is my promise to complete that wish." 
At least for as long as you can. 
He nodded, happiness filling him before he kissed you, instantly wiping everything from your mind.
You pulled back, looking up at him as he smiled, his fingers tracing along your cheek, before he noticed the trail of blood sliding from your nose.
"What's happening?" He already pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it under your nose. "Is this from using that magic?"
Knowing you can't hide it, you nodded.
"Then why did you-"
"The only reason why I haven't lost my mind, is because of you. Neither of us minded you being blind, but I wanted to share the beauty of the world with you once all of this is over. It gives me something to look forward to. Some hope."
More importantly, it give him hope. Which he was quickly losing, though he tried hard to ignore.   
He nodded. "It would have just been easier to tell me about it, but now that you've done it. I'm going to make the most of it, to which you better be there with me."
It seemed he saw through what you were trying to do and decided to do the same thing for you.  
"Part of the friend rulebook?"
He laughed as he shook his head. "No, part of a rulebook that's just for us." He brushed your hair behind your ears, a strange but strong emotion bubbling up within him. "I love you."
Your eyes locked immediately as he watched a spark appear in yours, something he hadn't seemed to feel or hear in your voice for a little bit. 
"I love you too."
He sighed with relief before hugging you to him, as his giddiness filled you with the same, getting you to laugh. 
The door opened as Sebastian and Anne walked into the room. "Come on you two, get better timing."
Just like always, Anne smacked Sebastian for being rude. "You're always walking in on them."
Sebastian cocked his head when he saw the bloody handkerchief in Ominis's hand. "What happened?"
"She had a nose bleed," Ominis replied, drawing their attention when his eyes looking right at both of them.
"Can you see us?" Sebastian asked, walking over and staring at his eyes from an inch away.
"Are you going to kiss him?" Anne teased, pushing her brother back. "Is this what caused her nose bleed?"
Ominis nodded. "Yeah, which is why I don't think you should use it."
"I have to," you replied, feeling him get upset. "But I promise not to use it until then."
That didn't sit right with any of them, but they couldn't exactly fight you on it.

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