Chapter 7, Door With No Key

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The four of you moved through Hogwarts's halls. Godric, Helga and Rowena were working together to keep Salazar distracted all day, explaining away your absence to meeting with your parents on important business from your old school.
You moved into the empty, near-dead-end room Salazar mentioned in the book.
"How far are the caverns in this place?" Sebastian asked, the light from your wand illuminating the scrap of the stone.
"According to Salazar, past this room is a long hall, followed by a winding staircase carved into the rock, then we'll reach the cavern. After that, we follow the path further down to a circular room with a door."
"That's a long way to go for a dead end," Ominis mumbled.
He felt a little better when he woke up that morning, but he was still worried about how things were going to end. The last war didn't end without everyone coming to fight and those numbers were drastically reduced.
You pulled on the book, which popped open the door, making the stone scrape across the floor. The path was dark and foreboding, reminding you of Salazar's secret room.
A chorus of Lumos rang out while you led the group down the long hall that felt like it ran the length of the school itself, before finally finding the stairs, which went on longer than the hall did.
The cavern itself was lit up with braziers as if it was travelled extensively for secrets, but the cleanest path led to a room that reminded you of the map chamber if it wasn't so far under the school and didn't have what looked like lava soaking parts of the walls.
"This is the room?" Sebastian asked, already moving around to look at the various writing and pictures carved into the stone.
"According to Salazar's notes, yes," you answered, eyes on the door that was scorched with past spells.
"This place smells like burnt hair and sulphur," Ominis mentioned as he covered his nose.
You glanced his way, seeing his discomfort as his wand pulsed at a higher rate of speed than you've seen before.
"Do you want to head back?"
He shook his head. "No, this is likely the only time we're going to be in this place. If this will help you, we need to stay as long as possible to try finding what you might need."
Nodding, you looked towards the twins who seemed to have the same feeling you did, look as thorough, but as fast as possible.
Sebastian went to the books that were set up on the table nearby, which Anne searched the walls and you checked out the door.
Ancient magic swirled around the cracks of the door, which moved into certain pictures carved into the rock. One was of three people finding the room. The second lit up showing one person stabbing themselves and the third was two people being surrounded with a swirl that seemed dark on one and light on the other.
"Stabbing themselves?" You mumbled grabbing Ominis's attention.
"The pictures lighting up on the door. They're showing three people finding the room, one stabbing themselves and the other two surrounded by two different types of magic."
"It's not stabbing yourself," Sebastian said bringing over one of the books. "Salazar already tried that and even smeared his blood on the door itself. Nothing opened the door."
You grimaced at the rust looking stain on the stone. "Thanks for the new nightmares. What else does that book say?"
"It says that he only saw two pictures illuminate. He seemed to think the magic behind that door chooses which it decides to let in and it doesn't want Salazar."
"That must be the real reason he wants you to become his apprentice. To see if you can open that door," Anne said, glancing at everyone in worry.
"And kill her afterwards," Ominis added. "Salazar isn't known to share and he'd see her as a threat once he gets what he wants."
"Fantastic," you grumbled, your eyes travelling to the door again. "Whatever is behind that door, I don't think it's a mass of magic. It doesn't give the same feeling those repositories did."
"Do you want to guess at what it is?" Sebastian asked.
You shrugged while staring at the door. "I have no idea, but whatever it is, it's better off not being opened by Salazar."

Back in Godric's office, Rowena, Helga and Godric listened to you describe what your group found under the school. Their faces slowly slipped into concern the more you spoke.
"You have the same magic, can't you get into that room?"
If it was that easy you'd think you'd have taken longer to check in because you'd have already tried it.
"No, I don't think I can. The door doesn't come with coherent instructions and it didn't show any signs of opening with me there."
Helga looked to her fellow founders. "How do we stop Salazar from getting another magical boost without knowing how? We can't distract him forever. He's already suspicious of us for it today. I wouldn't be surprised if he checked those secret places to make sure nothing was missing."
"Is there any other places you might have heard or known about that have strange magic or makes people feel as though it's eerie to go near?"
Godric shook his head and looked to Helga and Rowena.
"Not far from here there's a spot of land that I've noticed flourishes with magic, almost astoundingly so. I haven't mentioned anything because it's a good spot for growing plants, but you can at least look into it," Rowena mentioned, tapping his chin.
You nodded and looked to your friends. "We still have half a day, should we?"
"I'm curious," Sebastian admitted, getting his sister to nod.
"Alright," Ominis whispered.

Following the hastily drawn map, you began to recognize the path after a while.
"Am I the only one who-"
"Hogsmeade," Anne finished.
"Yeah, I always felt like it had an abundance of power," Sebastian laughed as he looked around at the plants surrounding us.
"But, I never seen any signs of ancient magic around here and I've been all over this place."
"Maybe one of the keepers already took it? Or altered it?" Sebastian offered.
It could have been plausible, but it still made you feel sort of stupid for missing it.
Warmth slipped around your wrist, before Ominis slipped his fingers between yours. "You were rather busy then. Dodging me, my parents, your parents. Working with Fig, Sebastian and the keepers. Fighting Rookwood, Harlow, Ranrok and every goblin or ashwinder who attacked. Helping anyone who called out to you."
Chuckling you squeezed his hand. "Fair point."
"You two should be sold at Honeydukes," Sebastian teased, getting hit by his sister.
"Stop it! Let them have these moments without interrupting them."
Rolling your eyes, you looked to Ominis, who had turned red.
You walked a little bit longer until you came to a spot where the plants were almost three times the size they normally were.
"I'd say it's concentrated here," Anne said kicking at the ground. "But nowhere to get into a cave or a passage, nothing."
You looked around but didn't see any signs of ancient magic either.
"Maybe you should walk around a little?" Sebastian offered upon seeing disappointment flicker over your face.
Nodding, you moved forward as Ominis's hand slipped from yours.
"We'll search around too. Call out if you find anything," Anne added.
"Okay," you said, though you weren't sure if they'd be able to find anything without being able to see it, but appreciated the help anyway.
Venomous tentacula followed your movement as you passed.
The rolling hill didn't have very many trees but the ones there were had been in a cluster.
Thinking it was the best place to hide something, you walked over seeing a few silver bubbles slipping out from under some of the bark on the tree.
Curious you reached out towards it, the bark curling away as your hand approached.
Reaching in, you felt something akin to a pedestal inside, with something small placed on top of it.
Carefully pulling it free, the tree vanished from existence as you looked down at the object in your hand seeing a golden necklace and chain with a star-like symbol.
It didn't have any magic surrounding it as you inspected it.
"Fancy meeting you here," Salazar's voice called out from behind you.
Glancing back, you couldn't see him past the trees.
"Come on out. We have things to discuss."
You quickly put the necklace on and hid it under your clothes before stepping out into the open.
Anne, Sebastian and Ominis were being held by a different student, with their wands being held by a fourth, the guy who was jealous of the attention Salazar was giving you.
"I told you that I'm not a patient man," Salazar said with an exaggerated wave down his person. "Now, if you don't want to lose your friends, it's time we came to an agreement."

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