Chapter 4, What is ancient magic

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   Ominis must have told the twins, because the three of them had begun to come with you everywhere, making it harder for Salazar to catch you alone, much to his dismay.
All of you searched the library despite what Salazar told you, but found nothing.
"This is frustrating," Anne whispered, dropping her head to the desk.
"It's ancient magic in our time, right?" Sebastian asked, drawing everyone's attention. "Isn't that just magic in ancient times?"
You shrugged when he looked at you. "Percival, Charles, Niamh and San didn't have that knowledge either. I'm just as in the dark about it as you."
"What about getting into the scriptorium?" Sebastian asked softly, earning a glare from you. "We know how to get in without the unforgivables. He may have something there."
"No, Sebastian has a point," you mumbled, sitting back in the chair. "I don't like the idea of going back, but Salazar would hide things there that he'd want secret. The only problem, is distracting Salazar and we don't have Fig's help this time."
"We can ask Godric to distract him," Anne offered, her voice going softer the more everyone started at her guilt ridden face.
"What'd you do?" She looked startled and avoided your eyes as you wagged a finger in her direction. "That's the Sallow tell. You've done something."
She sighed and shifted. "I told Godric."
"About what?" You half growled, making her flinch.
"About almost everything."
You slammed your hand down on the table in irritation. "Damn it, that explains their confrontation in the hall last night."
Ominis nodded as the twins shifted sharply.
"What confrontation?"
"Godric was telling Salazar to leave her alone. Salazar refused and said that if she refused to become his apprentice, he'd take her magic and we all know what he does after that," Ominis answered as you felt panic shoot through you.
"I didn't mean to-"
You took a calming breath, trying to stop your heart from clenching and your stomach twisting.
"You two are terrible with secrets," Ominis whispered as he rested his hand on your back as you rubbed your face.
You knew they weren't trying to betray you, but it certainly felt like it and you couldn't stop the memories you've been trying to forget.
"Are you okay?" Ominis whispered as the twins moved closer.
You shook your head. "I can't breathe."
Ominis pulled you against him as you tried regaining control over your body.
You held onto his arms while squeezing your eyes closed to block out the twin's faces and the library around you.
"What's going on?" Sebastian asked, his chair scooting back before you felt it move beside yours.
Ominis shook his head. "She has these from time to time when something reminds her of her past."
"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have said anything. I'm just not used to having to do things alone. I've always had adults to guide me. I didn't know it was going to do this," she said, her voice filling with emotion. "Is she going to be okay?"
"Give her a little bit, she'll work through this, just stop talking."
Nodding, the twins fell silent as Ominis tightened his grip, while he encouraged you to even out your breathing.
After a little bit, everyone began to relax as your sharp inhaling slowed to a stop. You still leaned heavily into Ominis, but he didn't seem to mind.
"Are you okay?" He whispered, lifting his chin from your shoulder.
"Yeah." Was all you could get out, too afraid to see the expressions on the twins' faces.
"How long has this been going on?" Sebastian whispered, looking to Ominis.
"It's not all the time," he answered softly. "She had the same kind of thing after Solomon's death and from time to time, I'll hear her at night breathing like this."
"That explains the times I've caught you two in the same bed in the morning," Sebastian teased, but it wasn't the same tone he usually used.
"Strong emotions bring this up?" Anne asked, reaching over to rest her hand on your arm.
"Strong bad emotions."
"Like Anne telling Godric. Salazar after her-"
Sebastian got whacked to shush, as your eyes flickered closed.
"I'm okay now Ominis."
He let go, so you sat up before his hand slipped into yours under the table.
"I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't think-"
"It's okay, I know going forward without help is scary. I don't blame you for wanting to feel like you have back up if things go south."
Ominis squeezed your hand. "Now, let's go see if we can't get him in on the plan."
"Wait, really?"
You shrugged. "Might as well try. Better to know if he'd betray us now, rather than later."

       You found Godric in his study talking with Helga and Rowena. They looked over as he welcomed you to enter, his expression brightening upon seeing your group. 
"Ah, it's good to see the four of you. I suspect you've come to talk to me about what Miss Sallow had told me yesterday?" 
Anne blushed when everyone looked over her way. 
"Did you tell Salazar?" You asked cutting to the chase, earning a smirk to spread on his face. 
"You're certainly someone who gets straight to the point," Rowena said, not too happy about the tone you've used while asking. 
"Did you?" 
"We are your professors here, watch your tone," she warned. 
"I've just had my life threatened by one of my professors Rowena, so you'll excuse me for not showing the proper courtesy and wanting an answer instead of bickering like a child over semantics. Now, did you tell Salazar about what Anne said." 
Ominis took your wrist as he moved beside you. "Easy, please?"
Godric chuckled as he stood. "No, I want Salazar stopped as much as I assume you do. We're not strong enough to stop him, as you've probably heard last night along with his threats. You have the power to stop him. It was something we were discussing." 
Anne swallowed hard when you glared in her direction, but you knew that word was going to spread once she admitted to telling him. 
"We have no intention of warning Salazar. In fact I want you to master your power." 
"So I can take care of your problem?" 
Helga moved to take a step forward, something she clearly rethought about when you took a step back. "All of us are in trouble. Salazar roams unchecked because he uses this ancient magic over our heads. We can't defend against what we can't see." 
"You're kidding me," you hissed, glaring at each one of them. "The greatest wizards and witches we know can't take on Salazar?" 
"Maybe that's why you needed to come back to this time," Godric offered with a polite smile. "Maybe you were the one who stopped him." 
That felt like a flimsy attempt at manipulation or flattery if you ever heard one, which only made you glare. 
"You came here for a reason," Rowena added, drawing your gaze her way. "What are you hoping to get from us?" 
"You? Nothing. Him," you pointed at Godric, "someone to distract Salazar while we sneak into his office looking for books on the magic he and I share." 
"Wouldn't it be easier to just let him mentor you? You'll get to know his magic and how it works," Godric replied as he rounded his desk to stand between both of his co-founders. 
"Spend alone time with a guy who threatened to steal my magic and kill me?" You scoffed, shaking your head. "Yeah, that's not going to happen." 
"Why? You don't want that magic anyway. You were going to let him take it in the library a few days ago, weren't you? It's why you wondered out loud why he didn't." 
Sebastian and Anne's eyes widened before they looked your way. "What is he talking about?" 
"It's not the time to discuss that," you clarified, your eyes not leaving Godric's which seemed to make him change his demeanor. 
"Why are you so closed off? What happened to you?" 
You almost laughed at the concern on his face, thinking it was fake. "If Anne told you everything-"
"I didn't tell him about our past, just why and how we're here."
Your anger simmered as you looked towards the waiting adults. "Will you distract him or not?" 
Godric sighed, obviously losing his patience with your unwillingness to share things. "If I do this, I want something in return."
"Which is?" 
"Your story," he answered, watching as you shifted your weight onto the other foot. 
"Why? What does it matter?" 
He gave a nonchalant wave. "Because you want to hide it. It makes me curious about why you want to go back to a place that hurt you that badly, but I know you won't trust me to keep my end of the bargain. So I will hear it after you're done finding whatever it is you're looking for." 
"Just hers?" Sebastian asked, getting a laugh. 
"I can listen to all of yours, if you wish. It would color in the missing pieces to help us better help you." 
Ominis moved his head towards you when you sighed. "Fine, deal." 
"Are you sure?" He asked, his hand finding yours. 
"It's not like everyone in our time doesn't know," you replied, before locking gazes with Godric. "And it's not as if I'm purposely hiding it, I just don't prefer to talk about it. There is a difference." 
"Alright then, stay here for a while, we'll go looking for Salazar. We have something to discuss anyway." 
Your brow raised before you could stop it. "Which is?" 
"The death of Amara Apollo."   

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