Chapter 11, Salazar's Greed

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     Godric, Helga and Rowena sent the kids home early, with a letter explaining that there was a problem and they could come back for the rest of the term once it was taken care of.
As promised, you hadn't used the magic since you gave Ominis sight. Something he had a bit of difficulty adjusting to, but he found that he enjoyed watching the sun set and seeing all the colors. He also liked the rain, not so much the lightning.
It had distracted him enough that he didn't notice you were still getting nosebleeds even without using it. Though it didn't feel like it was wearing you out, you could feel as things in the world were weakening while you were getting stronger, too strong and it was taking its toll.
This magic was too much for one person, too much for anyone.
"One of the students said that Salazar will be here tonight," Godric said walking up to you as thunder rumbled in the distance. "Are you sure you're going to be able to do this?"
You nodded. "This magic is strong enough to do the job."
"Are you?"
You met his eyes, understanding passing between you.
You weren't sure if you were, but that wasn't going to stop you.
You had a plan that wouldn't involve killing Salazar, and you'd hope it would work so all involved wouldn't repeat the night Solomon died.
"Do they know?"
You subtly shook your head. "Immediately after Salazar's taken care of, I will need to get to the black lake."
"The black lake? Why?"
"To return what was taken," you answered.
He nodded as he looked out of the window. "Very well, but will you have the strength to give it after the battle?"
You smiled and shrugged. "It has to be done. Everything will continue to crumble into non-existence if I don't and it's time for things to be put right."
He seemed to stand straighter. "Whoever you're apprenticed to, should be proud. They picked well."
Fig's image appeared in your mind as you chuckled. "I'll pass the word along."
"Make sure you do that."
He started to walk towards the door as Ominis walked in. "Helga and Rowena say it's time."
"Then I best go help them envelope the school."
Ominis side stepped him as he walked over. "How are you doing?"
"I'm okay," you whispered while he leaned against the window frame so he could see your face.
"Even being able to see, I feel like I'm as blind as before. So, please tell me the truth."
You met his eyes as you gave a small laugh. "I'm nervous Ominis, not hiding something. Salazar's bringing a small army of followers with him. I don't know how we're going to pull this off."
He crossed his arms, while his eyes dropped to the floor. "I must admit, I'm also worried about that and you going against Salazar directly isn't sitting well with me."
"If it makes you feel better, I'm not fond of the idea either. If I accidentally kill him, I end up wiping out your whole family line and you die."
"If you lose, you die," he whispered, rubbing at the back of his neck.
"Which is why my plan is crucial. I need it to work out the way I want it to."
"It kind of feels like we've already messed history up though, doesn't it?"
Sighing, you nodded. "It does. Everything sorted itself out, then in a flash we just made things complicated."
He chuckled. "At least we're sticking to our reputation." He lifted off the frame and shifted closer, resting his hands on your shoulders. "Just don't die. Not now, during the fight or afterwards."
"Anyone else and I would make a sarcastic remark, but for you, I promise to try."
He stared for a second, before pulling you against him. "I'm sorry for all the pain my family has caused you." 
Smiling, you tightened your hold on him. "For all their faults, I can't hate them." He pulled back to look into your eyes, his own glancing around your face for a clue as to what you meant. "Without them, I wouldn't have met you and going through everything I have, knowing you were right there with me, it made it all feel like it was worth it." 
His expression wobbled until he smiled as he pressed his forehead to yours. "You know just what to say to make things sound better than they are." 
"I have to do something to balance you out," you teased, hearing him laugh as he pulled back. "But, it doesn't make it any less true." 
"Then you better survive this fight," he whispered though you could hear the strong emotion behind it that was practically pleading. 
"As if there was any doubt." You gave a wink, seeing his face brighten, but his eyes do the opposite. "Salazar may be older than me, but I have more spells in my arsenal than he does, couple that with the universe's magic on my side, I'm not the one who needs to worry." 
Before he could reply, the door opened and the twins walked in, Sebastian earning another whack for bad timing, but he just looked at the both of you with a strange kind of seriousness. "Salazar is here." 
Ominis looked to you while you nodded and headed towards the door. "Well then, let's finish this." 

    The man in question was standing in the clocktower court yard with a few other students behind him, some you recognized and others you didn't. 
"And if it isn't the child of the hour," he sneered as you walked out to stand beside the other founders. "Still fighting without magic? I must admit that you've got guts, but muggles need them to survive right?" 
Not giving him the satisfaction of talking you up, you just gave him a blank stare. His eyes flicked towards the others beside you. 
"This is the best you could do?" He laughed, obviously letting his numbers drive his ego. "This is almost pitiful. We'll have this school in a matter of moments." 
You didn't know if he just enjoyed tormenting his friends or actually believed they wouldn't have a plan.
You discreetly popped a few of the potion vials your group hid around the courtyard and used the air to swirl it around the students. 
"I think your numbers have been vastly reduced," Godric said, wiping the smug smirk off Salazar's face as he turned around seeing the students coughing with no sound. 
"What is this?" 
"Finely crushed Dumbcane leaves," you answered nonchalantly. "Most of them don't know how to cast without nonverbally so we took away their ability."
"Avada Kadavra!" 
His spell shot directly at you and slammed into the same magical barrier the spell book and box had over it as everyone else moved to take on one of the students that sent a spell right after him, filling the courtyard with various lights and sounds, even a few explosions.
Shock plastered over Salazar's face as your eyes turned gold and met his. "Oops? It's a little late for that." 
"I took your magic!" 
"Which allowed me to take the magic hidden behind that door," you answered, baiting him. "All that time getting power to enter the door and you needed to be completely drained in order to receive it. You are your own undoing." 
He casted at you again and this time you caught it with your own as the rain began to beat down and lightening struck the area around the battle. 
You kept an eye out for your allies, seeing Ominis not far, easily taking on two of the older students, while Sebastian fought at his back, taking on his own. Anne and Helga were not far doing the same.
Godric was further away, knocking the younger one out before they could join, while Rowena kept spells from hitting him in the back.
As Salazar slowly grew closer while you held your own, you could feel the blood sliding out of your nose -a fact he quickly noticed. 
"Your body is wearing out. Muggles are not capable of holding such magic." He moved his wand towards you.  
You hated to admit it, but it was. You were syphoning too much, it came with it, but it still made using it difficult. 
"Maybe, but you're not getting it either," you hissed as you fought against him. 
"You're either delusional or naïve, you couldn't stop me before, what makes you think you can now?" 
You felt the hair along your arms stand up as a metallic taste filled your mouth. "Because this magic will not allow you to." 
Light flashed, his wand abandoned pursuit to put up protego. Taking the opportunity, you shoved your hand to his chest, drawing every last bit of magic out of him and into yourself before both of you were hit with lightning.
The force knocked everyone aside. The smell of burnt hair and skin filled your nose as you sailed through the air until your back hit the entry gate and you fell to the ground. Various grunts echoed throughout the area, quickly followed by an eerie silence that only the heavy rain filled.
You dared to move, feeling like a burnt piece of toast and stopped when the pain in your body became too much. 
"Ominis?" Anne asked from nearby. "Are you okay?" 
"Yeah, where's-"
"I haven't found them yet," she answered, sounding like they were moving towards the middle of the courtyard. "Salazar's alive, just unconscious." 
You sighed in relief. You hadn't killed him, only made him a squib. A fitting end for a power, pureblood crazed wizard set on taking magic that would only kill everything. 
"Did the plan work?" Sebastian asked moving towards them after coughing from all the dust the lightening caused, though it faded fast. 
You felt something touch your arm as you opened your eyes, seeing Godric. "Over here!" He called over his shoulder before pushing your hair back. "Can you walk?" 
He helped you sit up as you nodded. "I think so." 
Climbing up to your feet, you quickly realized your body was in more pain than you thought and you had a Lichtenberg figure down your arm that was hit, which was quickly swelling. 
Ominis took the wrist of your uninjured arm and pulled it over his shoulders to let you take your weight off your leg when you winced. 
"To the Black lake now?" Godric asked while Rowena and Helga came over.
You nodded, ready to give the magic back. 

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