Chapter 12, Respect of the Universe

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     The walk was hard and eventually Sebastian had to help Ominis get you to the lake. They knelt you down at the water's edge.
Sighing from the relief of getting off your legs, you looked out on the dark water as the rain slowed.
"How are you doing?" Ominis asked, drawing your attention.
"I'm just tired." You admitted as you leaned forward, slipping your hand into the water, magically calling out to any nearby creatures.
A calm feeling enveloped you as you allowed all of the magic you held to drain into the water as a tentacle wrapped around your hand, startling you for a second. Two eyes looked up at you from under the water as a familiar, albeit smaller, creature appeared.  
"Isn't that the giant squid living in the Black lake in our time?" Sebastian asked softly. 
You remember the tentacles reaching out of the water as you were in flying class, making you smile. It was as if the squid was waving at an old friend. 
"Not quite so giant right now," Anne replied, with a chuckle.
The golden light filled the water around your hand, but the squid just watched you for a moment judging how you changed the magic.
You watched it worriedly until it playfully splashed water at you, before you felt your energy quickly draining as the color started to stain the water. 
The strength you had slowly gotten used to while holding the magic was slipping away, getting your eyes to flicker close. 
"Remember our promise," Ominis whispered thinking the worst was happening. 
Smiling as much as you could, you rested your head against his. "I won't forget." 
He let out a sharp exhale when you met his eyes, but he could see how tired you were getting. 
When the squid splashed the water again, both of you looked back, seeing the burns on your arm had completely healed, while the water turned white and appeared like your body was soaking it up. 
Godric chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "It seems the universe decided your worth the magic Salazar stole. It's giving it back." 
You thought you'd go back to being magicless, you had mentally prepared yourself for leaving Hogwarts and living life as a muggle.
The squid let out a soft noise as it tightened its tentacle.  
"Thank you," you whispered, never realizing how much you wanted your magic until you no longer had it. 
The squid slowly let go and slipped further into the water, giving you a wave like movement before completely disappearing into the dark lake.
Pulling your hand from the water, you looked at it, realizing you no longer felt exhausted. 
"You look better." Sebastian teased as you moved to stand, only needing Ominis to steady you when you slipped on a particularly wet rock. 
"I understand the water, but why did the squid?" 
You looked back at Rowena. "It had to be accepted back after being judged at how damaged it was from the people who held it." 
"That's why the wizard who took it couldn't return it?" Anne asked. 
"Yeah, he twisted the magic with his greed and eventually his guilt, so he had to seal it away. Without emotions to feed on, it went dormant." 
"Until Salazar kept trying to get to it," Godric added, staring out into the water.
You nodded. "The magic would have eventually been taken by Salazar, so it reached out in desperation for the magic that was equivalent to his, finding nothing until we showed up." 
"And Salazar?" Helga asked, stepping forward. "I doubt he'll stop-" 
"I took all of his magic," you admitted, earning surprise from the founders. "It was the only way I could ensure I didn't mess with the future by killing him." 
"And us?" Sebastian asked softly. "We still don't have a way to get back to our time." 
"We do actually," you replied, smiling at the water. "As a gift, a portal home will open when we return to the cave we arrived in." 
Everyone fell quiet for a moment as the breeze moved through, giving you a chill.
"Did the universe bring us here on purpose?" Anne asked, pulling her robes closer to her. 
"I have no idea, but things could have gone a lot worse if we hadn't come here." 
Ominis sighed, shifting his weight to his other foot while he stood. "What happened to an uneventful sixth year?" 
He held out his hand, which you took. "I guess we had something else planned for us."
He pulled you up to your feet.
"When will you four leave?" Godric asked, drawing everyone's attention.
"Did you get attached to us?" You teased, getting his eyes to roll.
"Not at all, I just didn't think it's a good idea to go at night."
Helga snickered and slapped him on the back. "You're a liar." She looked at the four of you. "You remind him of us back when we first met."
"I can see that," Sebastian laughed as the group moved to head up towards the school.
Ominis fell into step with you, before entwining his fingers with yours. "I'm glad you're okay."
You nudged his shoulder. "Back at you, Omni."

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