Chapter 45 What dreams may come

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Chapter 45

What Dreams May Come

"There you are! Princess, we've been looking all over for you. Are you really going to miss your own welcoming party?" Purah exclaimed, chasing after her. The sheikah girl was coming up from the pavilion, ditching Paya and imeria who she left to distract her exit.

Zelda spun to face her trusted advisor and longtime friend. "Well, it is late, and I have had a rough night. I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling up for a show. I'm quite tired."

"You can't tell me you really intend to sleep with all this racket, right? How could you?"

"Well, it's not worth for trying," Zelda shrugged, offering a sideways glance.

"Oh, c'mon princess! The people need you to be there, among them. Your presence inspires....And besides," Purah tapped her foot on the ground and folded her little arms. "You love shows."

The princess sighed, looking at her tiredly. "They always need me Purah, when do they not need me?"

"I know, dear. But you can't let your people down. They've been waiting for you--a hundred years to be precise," Purah said, placing a comforting hand on Zelda's shoulder. The princess absorbed her words and contemplated them. And before she could reply the little scientist added more to the list of reasons to coax her if that wasn't already enough.

"Then how about, I need you? Is that satisfactory enough for you?"

Zelda smiled and yawned heavily, feeling the weight of her responsibilities settling on her shoulders. "Well in that case. Okay then. But only for an hour." She finished raising a finger.

"Deal, if it's not over after an hour I'll shut down the whole thing myself!" Purah said with a grin, nudging her arm. Zelda giggled at her feistiness and as another rocket exploded above, Purah's glasses reflected back the splendor of it. "By the way, who was that you were talking to a moment ago?"

"Huh, what?" Zelda asked, distracted, and captivated by the glare.

"Yeah, before I showed up. That man?"

It took her a moment, but she remembered. By the gods, she was tired. Boys can be so exhausting. "Oh, yes, sorry," the princess rubbed her head with a shake. "It was Tingle-Jangle. The Jester from that Troupe Lord Simon hired for tonight's celebration. He wanted to bestow me a gift, and he did—"

"—Who?—A fool you say? Ah, oh well, I guess it's not important, let's go—"

"—Yeah, speaking of which I just have to put away his gift. It will only take but a second. Wait here, I'll be right back from my tent."

Zelda hurried to her tent, holding the small box tightly. As she entered, she found a small table by her bed and gently placed the gift upon it. The gift seemed to glare back at her as she turned away, as if held the secrets of all the world's mysteries within it. Her curiosity piqued once more, but she shook her head, reminding herself that it could wait until the morning.

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