EP : 4

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Nithya : you?!

N/parents pov

We went out as soon as we heard the bell ringing. To our great surprise we found out future son in law standing outside. But Varun just simply gazed us and went inside and called Nithya.

Nithya Pov

I heard a familiar voice . So i wiped my tears and turned to see. To my shock i found Varun i mean my Future Husband Standing there Tall and in his Tracks .

Varun: this is your mobile right?

Nithya: yes ! How did yo- wait! Were you the one speaking?

Varun: yes . Here have it

Nithya tried to stand up but because of a suddenly friction in her leg she slipped a little. Immediately Varun Took a hold of her hand and pulled her towards him. The eye contact of Varun was too intense for Nithya to have for a long time. She broke the eye contact and thanked him for catching her.

Nithya: thanks Varun

Varun: It's okay.

Nithya: aiyoo! My phone!

Varun: what happened?!

He followed the gaze of Her and found that her phone was broken . And then he saw her , her eyes were very clearly showing glistening of tears. But weren't Falling .

Nithya she bent down and took the mobile on her laps and started to sob silently. Varun couldn't see her in this way , as he was the reason for that.

N/mom: arrey! Nithya ?! What ma

Nithya: my phone ma!

Shreya: we'll get another one. Now first stop crying like a baby .

N/dad: yes Nithya ma! You are so silly.

Though lot of them tried to convince her . Varun still felt a sting pain in his heart .

Varun : Actually I am-

Nithya: Stop evryone! I'll find a way to REPAIR! NOW PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE.

Varun was quite shocked to see Nithya worried because of his fault.

N/mom: son! Leave her she's like that always. You come have breakfast.

Varun: No. It was me who broke that.

N/dad: what? How ?

Varun: yes , she was about to slip and fall i held her but the phone in my hand fell down

N/mom: ohh that's okay. She'll always react too hard. So don't mind it. Now please come have some breakfast with us. It will be great to have you with us today son.

Varun: no aunty . Thank you. But i got to go. I'm sorry we'll catch up another day

N/dad: that's okay Son! Take care. And say we've asked your parents.

Varun: Hmm

As Varun was about to leave . His mind striked something. Then he suddenly called Shreya .

Varun: Shreya .

Shreya: yes Varun.

Varun: can you give me Nithya's phone number and her date of birth?

Shreya: ohh.. sure . Here note it. This is her nom. xxxxxxxxxx and her bday is on Nov 13 .

Varun : thanks.

Shreya: ur welcome.

Then Varun left entering the Elevator.

Shreya: why suddenly he asked me these details.. (confused)

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