Chapter 13 - Help me understand

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*kind of adult themes*

Ominis had Apparated them to his apartment in London. Y/N was incredibly grateful for his understanding, not to mention the fact that he had offered to hide her in his own apartment until the situation settled. They both knew that this was a very risky thing for him to do. If he was caught, he would be thrown right into Azkaban, with her and Sebastian alike. Now that would be a tragic friendship reunion. No, they had to think of a plan to get the best possible outcome from this. Which of course was, clearing Sebastian of his charges and everyone walking out of this alive. It was far-fetched, but not impossible.

After they arrived at Ominis's apartment, Y/N had fallen asleep on the couch in front of the fireplace almost immediately. If anything it was a good sign, it meant she felt safe around him. Which had only ever happened with one other person...

Ominis, however, being the gentleman he was, had carried her into his bedroom and laid her down on the freshly washed linen sheets. While he took her spot on the couch. When Y/N woke up and noticed that gesture, she was even more baffled by herself and how she could have ever thought it was the real Ominis in the bathroom on her birthday party. He would never. Not like that. But she wasn't entirely opposed to the thought of having him do that to her. She shook the thought out of her head and stared up at the tall ceiling in Ominis' bedroom.

She stretched her arms out and caressed the empty space on the mattress next to her as she rolled over toward her side. To her surprise, Ominis was standing in the doorframe, leaning to one side with his arms casually wrapped in front of his ribs. His one hand was loose, holding his wand that glowed with a faint red light.

He was a sight for sore eyes. And Y/N could not help but wonder how at the age of 25 no one had snatched him up yet. However she didn't mind. It would have been awkward explaining this whole ordeal to a potential wife.

«Good morning» Y/N said in a husky voice

The blind wizard smiled at her interaction. «Good morning, darling».

Y/N's heart made a leap. Darling. She knew it was just his good manners, but hearing him say it like this made something inside her fluster warmly.

«What, are you watching me sleep, Ominis?» Y/N flirted as her voice cleared up slightly.

Ominis smirked, «Well, I can't exactly watch you now, can I?»

Y/N felt the blood rush to her cheeks as she realized her bad choice of words. She knew that her face now had the same shade as the Gryffindor house colors and she, for a moment, almost preferred Ominis being blind.

Y/N cleared her throat, clearly somewhat uncomfortable.

«Don't worry Y/N, I am only jesting.» Ominis had a light expression in his face. And for a moment the peace between them made it feel like no time at all had passed since they last spoke.

«I've put out a few towels, a robe, and I took the liberty of finding you a new attire as I clean your old one. The bathroom and showers are just down the hall from the bedroom. Feel free to use them if you'd like.»

«Thank you, Ominis.» Y/N sat up in the bed and gazed at the man in front of her. For a moment her mind started to drift into unsanctioned thoughts, but she quickly shook them off. Pull yourself together, Y/N. It's just Ominis.

«No worries, Y/N... I must say. I am grateful you decided to trust me again. After all this time.» Ominis put his hand to his chest to signal the sincerity in his statement.

I didn't really have much choice. But I am glad I did too. Y/N thought to herself, only responding to Ominis with a simple «Me too».

«Anyways, Y/N. You get yourself cleaned up. Just leave your dirty clothes here on the floor and I will sort them out. While you take a shower I will fix us some breakfast, and then we can talk some more about what happened» Ominis smiled gently towards Y/N before disappearing from the doorframe and into the kitchen.

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