wish you were here

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avril lavigne's wish you were here on the side. love the lyrics


"Hello!!!!!!!!!! Anybody there? "The voice bounded off the walls coming in several echoes and really creeping me out. The place looked empty hardly any light coming out off the lamps and throwing weird shadows over the walls. 

By now my eyes had adjusted to the darkness. I could see weird shapes covered by white clothes in this large room and their shadows were even weirder. 

I had this sudden urge to scream and run away from this haunted like place, but I stayed rooted to the ground. After all this is where Nicky had called me and I was thousand times sure I had come to the right place. But suddenly everything started looking suspicious. I mean why Nicky would call me to such a secluded place. 

Was this a prank, I knew Nicky was a real prankster but this was really out of place even for her. I mean she herself was so scared of darkness. 

Suddenly I heard something.  

It sounded like someone tiptoeing somewhere. Then there was a gush of wind behind me as if someone just rushed past me.  

I immediately turned around to see myself face to face with ....I actually couldn't guess what it was but I could make out its silhouette and it looked huge!  

It seemed as if it was gliding towards me. Okkkk.... now I was really freaking out. I didn't really believe in the supernatural but this was really spooky. Just as the figure came closer to me I immediately shut my eyes and covered them with my hands waiting for the worst to happen. 

And suddenly there was a huge burst of light (was I already in heaven ... well that was easy) and a crowd of people screaming..."HAPPY BIRTHDAY". And I screamed with the voices .My hands now covering my eyes. I gradually removed them to the singing of the voices as my eyes adjusted to all the light actually hoping to see angels singing and welcoming me to their divine abode .The angels sang "happy birthday to you..." wait a second what was that..The angels were wishing me happy birthday on the same day they decided to pick me up from the earth .Talk about irony. While I processed this all I saw an angel rushing to hug me "happy birthday holly....you are eighteennnn finally!!!" The angel strangely looked like my bestie Nicky or was she Nicky...I mean she did feel solid. I tried to see around me as I pulled out of the bear hug. As I looked around I could see a horde of people trying to hug me happy birthday. To extreme left of the room I could see a drinks counter where there was a huge crowd of guys I'd seen in school but did not know. Behind the counter I could see strange shapes draped with white clothes which I now realized were the furniture that came with the place. The crowd in the front had thinned by now and I could see the thing that caused me to panic..... It was a birthday cake!!! Well it was gorgeous three tired cake placed on a table with wheels (that explains the gliding form!!!!) .It was being pushed forward by two really hot guys from the basketball team (now they would be a nice present...hehehe and that explains the huge figure coming towards me). By now the only thing I could conclude was that I wasn't dead ...and these definitely weren't angels also this was my birthday party. Well this was grand and it must have taken Nicky ages to get all this ready I really did owe her one. But where was she? 

Oh! Where else, right beside those yummy guys. It didn't surprise me, i didn't expect anything different. Nicky was your typical girly girl not in a bitchy way. For that matter she was really nice. She wasn't even arrogant about her beauty and trusts me she was drop dead gorgeous. With waist length flaming red hair having soft curls, to the piercing green eyes she was every guy's fantasy in our college, literally! Her parents were some big entrepreneurs and mighty rich. She always got what she wanted, just had to name it. But still she wasn't arrogant or snotty; instead she was very giving atleast towards her friends. I was really envious of her sometimes. But I loved her. She was always there for me even when I wasn't the best company to be with. Which had been very often in recent months. Even I had my reasons, I didn't sulk around purposely. I was dumped by my bf, and deserted by my best friend in the same week. Since then my life had become so hollow and I am not exaggerating.....it really hurts when your best friend leaves you without even explaining what you did wrong. Oh god I missed Jason (that my best buddy) why did he just leave like that. At least Victor (and that my boyfriend...well ex-boyfriend) had the courtesy to leave an explanation. 

Actually in some corner of my heart I was hoping Jason would at least call me on my birthday...but no signs of him until now. Well I still had the whole day ahead of me. Fingers crossed literally. At least the party looked promising and I could make efforts to enjoy it even if they were merely for Nicky's sake. So putting a brave face ahead I walked towards Nicky and caught her in a bear hug as I pulled away I thanked her for the great party. I mingled with others of my school gang, I went ahead and danced on the dance floor i cut the gorgeous cake and wished to see Jason again while blowing out the candles(pathetic, i know). All this while I had a huge smile plastered on my face because I wanted to show my appreciation towards Nicky for doing all this for me. 

So I danced, I drank (someone had managed to get hold of the drinks!), and i danced and drank some more. 

I actually enjoyed myself and realized how much I was missing out by sulking on Jason's absence that didn't even bother to call me on my birthday. It was a tradition he was always the first one to wish me always on the stroke of midnight. And so easily he broke the tradition today. i felt a pang of pain close to my heart and to drown it i drank some more. I don't remember much after that everything seemed blurry and double. But who cared it was my birthday and I was here to enjoy.

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