Chapter 23

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This Chapter Is Dedicated To @biancalhurt. I get home and I call Dazah. Girl what is all this talk about Tyreik being a player I tell her getting a little upset. "Tyreik has always been a girl that attracted hoes and loved hoes." She said making me laugh. " He would make you think he wants you but then just wants you for your ass and I'm not saying that is what he's doing to you but jus beware." She said making me tense up a little. "These people are warning you because they don't want you hurt like they've been. And I don't wanna see my boo hurt." She said from her heart really meaning. Jus make sure you don't jus let him have,his way with your body if y'all don't go out." Ok, I said taking her advice. "That's why those girls at school be looking at me weird. they got me ed up thinking I'm his lil hoe or some. Tyreik ain't gone do me like that and I'll make sure of it." I said somewhat pissed off. He crazy if he thinks I'm Finna put up with his hoes and his bull. Because if we talkin he ain single, he is pre cuffed. So he can mess around if he want to but I'll mess him up. Like try me, try me and I will show Tf out. I never act this crazy for nobody but I will cause I like him and he got me messed up if he think I'm his lil hoe or sum." I say tapping my fingers rapidly. "Dammn Chris, I ain say he was cheating but u might wanna check on it." She say in shock that cussed so much. That was then when I got a message on instagram.
Hey I'm Michelle, Tyreik's girlfriend. I would suggest that u atop messing with Tyreik because he is mines. He doesn't want you. He want me, his main. Not yo lil hoe self. I read the message boiling hot like water on the stove. I checked out her page and it was millions of pictures of her and Tyreik together. Holding hands, kissing, and etc. Not only was I mad I was furious. Me and Tyreik follow each other and he does have pictures of him. But none with girls though. Then I find this. He done messed up this time. We just met and I thought we was good and didn't believe anything no one said bout him. Maybe I was wrong, and they was right. Those pictures was just before the week i got there. Going in my notifications u see that Tyreik just liked our pictures on my page. Then I get a kik message which interrupts my thoughts.

Tyreik- Hey baby, Wyd I miss u, I can't wait till Saturday. I have a real good surprise for you. Lmao
I read it and do not reply.
Tyreik- Bae
My Phone continues to blow up but I just ignore it and I post a pic on instagram. A picture of me and him with an x through it. "Try me" With the gun emoji, fire emoji, money in the bag emoji, needle emoji, and the heart emoji.
With that I go to sleep, seeking revenge.

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