Chapter 6

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I feel free,

I feel freedom,

Why they mad,

You should see them,

Burn a L,

Cause its crazy in here, crazy in here, crazy in here

***Nicki Minaj****

Chrisette POV

I like Isle Of Hope so far. Its a really small school, everyone is friends or family and everyone usually sticks together as a team, and I really absolutely adore that about this school. I just have to make some more friends cause I miss my old friends and I guess if I make new friends it will take my mind of Jaylen, Bre'Anna, Tj and Marion and many more others. I walk into school this morning I see the lunch lady and Izzy setting up the breakfast tables. "Hey, do y'all need some help setting up the breakfast??" I ask. "Yes thanks for helping sweetheart!!" The lunch lady says. "My pleasure." I say smiling at her. Izzy hands me some trays and we get to work. The buses will be loading soon! Then, I can see some of everyone.

5 minutes later the buses arrive and these boys come up to me. "Ayue the new girl is wassupp!!" One boy says dapping up his friend. "Boy she got that fat back!!" The other says winking at me. I just smile and not let them see me smile. Then, Dazah comes up. "Stop looking at that girl a$$ she don't want yahl sorry behinds!" She hugs me and I can't do nothing. except laugh. Lol she so stupid. Love this girl already. She goes to class and leaves these two boys that are weird at the breakfast table. "So what's your name?" One of them ask me. "Umm Chrisette!" I say casually. "Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." The other one says taking my hand and kissing it. I smile. The boys start play fighting, I can't lie those boys are kinda cute but not really my type, well I don't even know them. "Boys you guys should head to class now!!" Says Mrs. Osbourne, the lunch lady says.

They suck there teeth and walk to the next hallway for 11th graders. "See ya later beautiful." One of them says.

20 minutes later all the buses have arrived, everyone had a chance to get breakfast so me and Izzy we head to class. "Hey!!" Shout some kids in my class. "Heyy!!" I say waving. Ariana, Dazahs "supposed to be best friend" looks at me weird, sideways to be exact. "What's her problem!!" I say in my head. But I don't let them come out. I just go sit by Dazah. "Hey girrll." She says. "Hey Baee."I say. "Them boys was bothering you?" She asks. "Yaas girl they been flirting too!!!" I say laughing. She laughs. "Only Elijah and Brennen!!!" She says. I shake my head. We talk till we get interrupted. "Hey Dazah!" Thus girl named Destiny says. "Bye!" Dazah says. I laugh!! Now let me tell you about Destiny. Destiny is crazy. She is the most funny most freaky girl on the planet. She's a twerkaholic, she always turned up, always ready to pop off, bold as hell, like she will say anything that come to her head to anyone. She always embarrassing Dazah cause Dazah is like the Queen. She run things in our crew and everyone like Dazah so Destiny makes sure she is action a complete fool around Dazah to get everyone attention. Destiny sits down with us and then(the rest of the crew co es with us once they hear laughing) Keondria, Tiana, Ariana, and Magella come and we all hang out till its time to switch for our first class. Destiny telling stories from the time she first met Zakee her crush and best friend. By this time we all Rollin on the floor laughing. Then we leave to go our first class. When we leave and head to the 1st class I spot the sweetest thing on earth. This fine ass boy! The dark skin, buff, tall, and fine. Ohh My Goshh I might just pass out. "Looka Tyriek!!" Dazah yells down the hall. He laughs but doesn't turn around. "Chrisette you gotta stay away from Tyriek. He is a hoe. He trys to get every pretty girl and your gonna be next I'm telling you!!! I'm warning you now before you come crying to me!!" Dazah and the crew tells me. "Yes plus he ugly anyways." Destiny adds. I node my head knowing good and well I think he's fine as hell.

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