Chapter 15

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I asked about you

And they told me things

But my mind still don't change it

I still feel the same


I sit down at our usual lunch spot and dig in but automatically Dazah, Destiney, Magela, Tionna, Ariana,and Keondria are sitting down together. "Wassup with u and Tyriek girl?" Dazah ask with everybody starring me down. "Y'all go out right?" Tionna asks. "Yeah." Destiney says for me. "No, we are just friends....right now." I answer. "Friends with benefits!!!" Dazah loud enough that we all hear her. They all laugh, I just look and smile. "Forreal though, aren't y'all friends with benefits?" Dazah asks. "Yeah I guess." I reply. Dazah and Tionna yapping up a bunch of bull shit about Tyriek. They told me that he just gone try to get what he want and leave. And we all know what that is. There point exactly. But maybe he'll change for me. Honestly, I don't give a damn what they tell me about him I still like him and that's not changing nothing. After about ten minutes I get up and go throw my trash away and the whole boys table starrs. All of them niggas know they ugh but they gone still try. So, then Darren comes over by me and start talking to me. I really don't wanna talk to him but he seem kinda cool just ugly as a muggg. A few few minutes later he try to hug by I pull away. "You won't hug me case you like Tyriek." He says. "You'll let a nigga like him fuk but don't even give a decent nigga a chance." He looked mad as fuk. What he said hit me...hard as fuk actually. It made me think a little. What if everybody is trying to helped before he break my heart? I try not to think about it and go sit back down.

                      20 minutes later

We switch classes. "Alright get it everybody." The teacher yells. We all line up at the door and go out Mr. Fennel's class is lined up outside already but they always quiet because of Mr.Fennel strict ass. Me and Dazah, Tionna, and Destiney are together I walk outside and act like I don't see Tyriek but the someone goes "pssssssttt" then I look back and it's him. He just laughs. And I roll eyes and laugh. We get in the next class put our stuff down and go to flex. I go next door and Tyriek is standing there. "Heyyy!!" I wave. He hugs me I hug him back. He squeezes my ass. I giggle and pull away. And Alex came over by us. I walk off and Tyreik smacks my butt once again. He wants it. Ha, I laugh in my head. "That's my ass. Right Baby?" He ask. "Yeah baby." I say. "Cuffed." He says to Alex and I know he jealous because he used to like me hell he probably do still.

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