Chapter 13

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The next day, me and Mariah wake up to the beginning of the movie Drum line and we start watching that movie.

"Morning!" I say yawning.

"Heyy." She says rubbing her eyes.

My sister comes in too. "Heyy!!" She says.

"Heyyy!!" Mariah and I say in chorus.

She leaves and me and Mariah start talking.

"So, what's this boy's name you been falling for?" She asks.

"Tyriek..." I say smiling.

She sits up. "Tyriek!!!!" I been talking to this boy named Tyriek for like 3 months, and he says he go to Isle of Hope.

"Really?" I ask tearing up a little.

"I know you not tearing up girl. You just met him, and he done tried us!!" She says.

I smile and she looks at me.

We start singing Dej Loaf song, Try me. We both start laughing. But this boy is just a player, so this little thing we got is gonna end, now........

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