Chapter 26

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Its Saturday and wake up late, like 11:30 or something so I took a shower and got dressed. I put my Pink Neon jogging suit from the pink store with pink written on the front left pocket and all on the sides of my pants with my tan uggs. I curled my hair real cute with the wand put on my gold watch and gold chain and went downstairs. Mom wasn't home so it was just me and Mallerie home. "Hey girl." said Mallerie. "Hey girl wyd today?" I asked. "Nun fin to go the mall with my girls." she replied. Ohhh cool. "What you got going on today?" she asked. "Nun yet probably just going out with Ty tonight." i said. "Ohh cool cool, well be safe cause im about to leave, make sure you tell mon where u going, ok?" she said. Alright. And with that Mallerie left. I chilled in the house till i heard a knock on the door. "Who is it." i yell. "Its me bae." The person responded . I opened the door to see my baby standing there with his true religion jeans, his red true religion shirt, and his black and red breds. He had on his gold chain with a cross and his gold rolex watch with a fresh haircut. Bae looked so fine. He gave me a big hug and a peck on the lips. Then he came and sat on the couch. "Bae watch u wanna do today?" he asked me. "It doesn't matter whatever you wanna do." i said laying my head on his shoulder. "Baby i wanna take you out and do something special." He said lifting up my chin to face him. "Yea its been a long week." I said. He pulls me into a short kiss. "Okay, babe get your stuff imma take u out." he said. "Baby where we going?" I said grabbing my house key and my Louis Vuitton purse. "Let me surprise you." He said. "Man.. okaay."I said walking out. Tyreik's car was amazing. He had a Black Mustang with a black and red interior. He opened the door for me and I got in the car. He cranked the car and drove off. When we got in the car my song came on."Your love is one in a million, it goes on and on. You give me a really good feeling that goes on and on and on." I sung to the song on the radio. He looked at me and laughed. "What mann?" I said mean mugging him. "Wait till later i got u." He said licking his lips. "Yeah right babe." I said putting my hand on his thigh. He placed his hand on mine. We drived a couple more minutes and we were there. He took me to my favorite place, the mall. We got out the car and he grabbed my hand as we walked into Rue 21. We went there and I picked out an orange V-neck T-shirt that said Flawless in cursive black writing with some tight khaki joggers. Then, we went to Hollister where he bought a an orange Hollister shirt. We left there and went to Footlocker we both bought matching shoes for our matching outfits. We got all white Huaraches."Baby, im so hungry." I said. "Ok lets we gon grubb then." He said. We walked to the food court. It was like 4:30 by then and we went to Sbarros. "Babe lets get some pizza." I said walking towards the counter. "Hi what would you guys like to order?" the server asked. "I would like the the pepperoni calzone with a sprite please." i said. "And for you sir?" asked the server. "Uhhm, two slices of pizza one cheeze one pepperoni and a root beer." he said. "Ok your meal will be $13.56. " The server said. I was pulling out my money to pay but Ty insisted he would pay for me. "Babe your so sweet." I said kissing his cheek. "And your incredible." He said kissing my cheek back. We got our food and ate in the food court. I was in the mall sitting down until ibcould feel someone starring at me. I looked over to see Arianna and her little friend. They were both looking at me but her look was a different look . Like a look of disguist. "Chris you good?" Tyreik asked. "Yea I just keep seeing one of Dazahs friends that don't like me for some reason and she keep starring at me and saying slick stuff out the mouth like I can't hear her. "Babe don't let that girl stress you." He said caressing my face, looking somewhat upset. Then she pointed at me and laughed by this point i had had enough. I got from the table and approached. "Uhhm is there a problem hoe?" I asked her. "No b**** why u worried bout me? She said getting my face. "Obviously you are worried about me cause you always talking sh** ." I exclaimed loud by this point. Tyreik could tell it was starting to get popping so he came too. "You don't have to deal with this babe lets go." He said grabbing my hand. "Oh Tyreik so this your lil new hoe right, did she give that good head yet??" She said laughing by this point, i let go of Tyreik and went beast.
To Be Continued.

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