Chapter 4: Annihilation

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Jovis: "I'm Unstoppable Nobody Can Kill Me!"
The Leyte Gulf Fires Its Weapons And The Two Other Ships Assist While Jovis' Ship Concentrates Fire On The Tholians
Rhodes: "Quantum Torpedoes Full Spread!"

Jovis: "I'm Unstoppable Nobody Can Kill Me!"The Leyte Gulf Fires Its Weapons And The Two Other Ships Assist While Jovis' Ship Concentrates Fire On The TholiansRhodes: "Quantum Torpedoes Full Spread!"

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Higozin: "Full Power To Forward Phasers"
Then A Challenger Class Starship Warps In

Hunt: "This Is Commander Geoffrey Hunt Of The Federation Starship Huron Do You Require Assistance?"Trelawney: "Glad You Could Make It Mr

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Hunt: "This Is Commander Geoffrey Hunt Of The Federation Starship Huron Do You Require Assistance?"
Trelawney: "Glad You Could Make It Mr. Hunt"
The Huron Is Covered By The Three Ships While It Sends Down An Away Team To The Planet Then The U.S.S. Sheppard (Which Often Goes Missing Every Year) Warps In With A K't'inga Class Ship

 Sheppard (Which Often Goes Missing Every Year) Warps In With A K't'inga Class Ship

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Koel: "This Is Commodore Yvonne Koel Of The U.S.S. Sheppard"
Kovar: "This Is General Kovar Of The Tikaris"
The Ticonderoga Warps In

 Sheppard"Kovar: "This Is General Kovar Of The Tikaris" The Ticonderoga Warps In

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T'Vani: "U.S.S. Ticonderoga Here"
All Ships Converge On Jovis' Assault Cruiser Jovis' Ship Destroys The Two Tholian Ships
Jovis: "Sic Semper Tyrannis!"
Jovis' Ship Warps Out And The Two Tholian Ships Explode And The Explosion Hits The Ticonderoga Causing Everything To Malfunctioning For A Few Seconds Also The Power Flickered
Hunt: "Huron To Ticonderoga Come In!"
There's Silence For A Few Seconds
T'Vani: "T'Vani Here We're Okay"
Trelawney: "Thank God"
Bradshaw: "Well Then We Should Send A Team Sovereign Sheppard And Ticonderoga Go After Them
Huron And Nova Stay Here Let's See If We Can Help The Tholians"
Trelawney: "Aye Sir!"
The Three Ships Warp Out And Pursuit Jovis
T'Vani: "Disable His Engines"
Foran: "Aye Sir"
The Ticonderoga Disables Jovis' Ship
Trelawney: "Transporter Room Beam Jovis To The Brig"
Hunter: "Aye Sir!"
Jovis Is Beamed Into The Brig The Captain T'Kellis And Rhodes Accompany Him
Trelawney: "I Thought The Vorani Never Got Caught"
Jovis: "I'm Not Vorani!"
Trelawney: "What?"
Jovis: "I'm Kumari Not Vorani I'm Being Hunted By The Vorani"
Rhodes: "Then Why Do You Have A Vorani Ship?"
Jovis: "Because I'm Using It Against Them"

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