2. The Encounter

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I awoke to soft voices murmuring downstairs. I assumed the voices were louder then they were since I was upstairs and muffled by walls and shag carpet

I sat up and rubbed my forehead, my entire body sore. I blink my eyes open to realize I'm on the floor, my check buried in the carpet. I guess I fell in the middle of the night off my bed. I roll my shoulders and stand up taking my comb off my desk and hastily brushing my hair. I huffed when after it was combed, it fluffed in all angles on my head, so I tied it in a tight nape at the back of my neck and put my hat and vest on, exiting my room and heading downstairs.

As I peek through the rails of the stairs, I see Sketchbook carefully unplugging Colin's tail from the outlet on the wall as he blinks his eyes open. A large coffin sitting on the rocking chair was reading what looked to be a script, he caught my eye through his spectacles and waved with a soft smile. I waved awkwardly back. He must be another new teacher

Sketch also saw that I was awake. "Oh, Warren! Finally your awake! C'mon down!" I meekly began to walk down the stairs until Colin saw me.


The computers glitched screams were filled with alarm until Tony, from his perch on the wall, smacked Colin hard on the back of his head. "Shut the hell up you bastard! That's one of the new teachers!" Tony said gruffly, eyeing Colin with hate.

I held back tears as my feet seemed to be planted to last stair. Sketch looked at me with embarrassment and apology. "We are so sorry Warren. Colin can get a little sketchy when he wakes up. Don't feel too bad, the other teachers have been getting it too." They glanced at Colin with anger as he was still recovering from the incident, hyperventilating and trying to focus his eyes on the floor.

"I-...it's fine. Really." I said, seething inside.  The coffin, having heard everything, went back to reading. I looked in the kitchen and saw two briefcases sitting at the table. One briefcase was taller then the other, neater too. The other wore a torn sicker near his face that read 'unemployed  Brendon'. They didn't look at me, though as I observed them, the smaller briefcase began to rip up his script, cursing to himself. 

Tony shouldered pats me and onto the coffe pot in the counter. I went to one of the kitchen drawers and I saw multiple boxes of tea. Some unopened. I pulled out two bags of the Jasmine tea and put them in a clean mug with hot water, I then sat across the table from the briefcases, who paid no attention to me.

Is a began to blow on my tea for it to cool down. A long-legged blue lamp with yellow stars on his body and ragged red sneakers woozily trudged across the living room and too the fridge. As he was about to open it, I hand protruded out oh it and smacked the Lamp's hand away. 

"No more alcohol, Larry." They said with a stern voice. "What's your deal, man? I haven't had a drink in two weeks! I'm clean!" Larry's words were slurred, and he reeked of alcohol. "I know who got some last night while I was sleeping." Fridge retorted. "So? That was last night man. What the big deal about right now?" Larry smiled (uncharmingly) at fridge. "Because, it is 8 AM and your as intoxicated as a lucky scotsman!" Fridge said matter-of-factly. "Oh bite me." Larry slurred, flipping Fridge off before stumbling back to his room. 

I clicked my tongue as I quickly finished my tea and put the mug in the dishwasher. As I went back out into the living room, Colin caught my eye has he touched his fingertips togther meekly. (🥺👉👈)

"Hey guy...I'm sorry I reacted like that. You don't look like a tumor. Honest." He said in apology. I had a hard time accepting, or believing his apology. But, just to avoid awkwardness, I accepted. Colin smiled and thanked me, saying he was lucky to have me and all the new teachers on the team.

"Here comes Shrignold." Tony said bluntly, sipping his coffee form the couch. "Wha-" I began to say.


Before I knew it, I felt a large, painful impact on my face. I stumbled back, and held my nose, which was now bleeding. 

I got up and dusted myself off, ready to throw down, before I saw who ran into me.

I small butterfly, painted gold and pink and blue marking on his wings and spiraled antennas reached and hand down to me. His eye was also slightly red, showing me got bruised from the impact as well. 

"I am so sorry friend. You must be one of the new teachers, correct? My apologies, I'm in sort of a rush." Before I could even answer or take his apology, he zipped past me, grabbed an entire package of post-it's from the desk, a sharpie, two spools of thread, and flew off back out the window and into the sky.

"What an asshole." Tony chuckled, sipping his coffee. "You alright Warren?" He said, not even bothering to look at me. 

My nose was still heavily bleeding, I tried to hold the blood in by pinching my nose, but that just caused the blood to build up and spill on my clothes. The coffin glanced at me and handed a box of tissues to me. "Thank you" I say, my voice stuffy as I held the tissues up to my nose. Sketch looked at me in horror. "You poor thing! That butterfly really needs to learn some manners, speeding on and out of the house like that." They huffed.

It definitely didn't seem like a targeted attack, unlike Colin. I though with disgust. Though it was still rude. I bet it's broken. I thought, wincing as I pressed my bloody nose with the tissue. I hurried back up to my room and shut the door behind me, carrying the tissue box along. 

I sat in my desk chair and took a deep breath. Opening my laptop, I began to write my script. Of course, tomorrow was my first teaching lesson.

word count: 1062

BOYS WILL BE BUGS ~ Warren x ShrignoldWhere stories live. Discover now