17. taking what's not yours

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~taking whats not yours - tv girl~


 More silence ensued before Lesley spoke again. "Well? don't be shy." She beckoned me over which, out of fear, I complied to. As I began to slowly walk towards her, I saw that the walls were filled with small glass compartments, which held normal household things such as TV remotes and bags of chips. 

"You weren't who I was expecting." Lesley observed as I stood in front of her, barely coming eye-to-eye with her. "Who were  you expecting?" I asked. She waved her hand in dismissal and turned back towards her piano. "It dosent matter. You're here now."

I scratched the back of my neck. "Are you...a teacher?" Lesley smiled, adjusting a replica of the house onto the center of the piano. She chuckled. "No, I'm not a teacher. You may just call me Lesley, nothing else." Wanting more answers, but knowing I wouldn't get any, I stiffly nodded in response.

"You're little friend has caused quite the ruckus down there..." I sighed. "Shrignold means well-" Lesley cut me off. "I know, all he ever means is to do well. But I will not stand for this again, understood?" Her face turned stoic as she turned to me. "Of course, I trust Shrignold for it to never happen again."

"I know you do, Warren." She knows my name? How... "Oh, and that pain in your back? Putting some ice on it will help the pain go down, after all, your wings will be coming in soon..." she smiled again. And she knows I have a pain in my back?! Who is she...

"Well, run along now. We wouldn't want the others to be worried now, would we?" Smiling, she gently wavered me away with her hand before turning back to her piano and resume playing. 

I stood there for a second before I backed up to the door, keeping my gaze on Lesley, who paid no more attention to me. My breath was shaky as I opened up the door and slammed it behind me, practically flying down the stairs.  

My sneakers didn't even seem to touch the steps before the downstairs light flooded my eyes. Before I could catch myself, I threw myself into the wall, immediately recoiling and falling on the ground in pain. 

"Are you ok?" I opened my eyes, once again adjusting to the light, and saw Shrignold standing over me with a worried look. "Shrig? What are you doing?" I sat up and rubbed my head, groaning. Shrignold smiled brightly. "Sketch made me a pair of crutches! And they're just my size, so I get to walk around the house now with almost no trouble! I still kinda need help getting up and down the stairs, though it hasn't presented a problem."

Seeing Shrignold finnaly so happy, I couldn't help but share the feelings. "That's great, just don't push yourself too far, ok?" Shrignold smiled again. "Of course not." He leaned to me and kissed me softly on the cheek.

He pulled away and we stared at each other for a silent second. I was probably blushing all darker shades of pink. Shrignold realized what he did and begun to panic. "I'm soooo sorry, I-" I cut him off. "No! No...I really liked it." I smiled at him, and he seemed to calm down. 

"Barf..." a disgusted voice spoke behind us. I turned my head and saw Colin sitting on the counter with his eyes furrowed. Sketch sat with their hands together with a loving expression before glaring at him. "Colin! You ruined the moment!" It rolled his eyes at Sketch. "What am I supposed to do!? Just sit here and watch them make out? I've already seen enough in my eight years I've been here..." 

I scoffed, and Shrignold rolled his eyes playfully. "Anyway, are you alright? You took quite the spill." My eyes widened as I remembered the series of strange events that took place before now. "Yeah, I'm alright. Look, I was walking up those stairs, and I-" I pointed behind me, my breath catching in my throat as I realized something.

The staircase had disappeared.

My quick-paced breathes slowed as my mind reeled with confusion. What the...

"Warren, are you alright?" Shrig asked, tilting his head slightly at me. I turned back to him, my words hesitated, as if they refused to come out of my throat.

"N-nothing...I just slipped. I'll be cool." I forced a smile. Shrignold narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but then sighed and gave a soft smile. "Good, it would be a shame if us both got beat up." He leaned on his crunches more for support.

"Speaking of which, I think I'm going to be getting my wings soon." Shrignold's eyes lit up as he dropped his crunches and embraced me in a wobbly a wobbly hug, wrapping his arms around the back of my neck and gingerly avoiding my back. "That's great, Warren!"

Sketch and Colin cheerfully chimed in. "Nice."

"Yeah, you deserve it!"

"Thanks you guys." 

As I hugged Shrignold back, my mind still reeled. How did the staircase just magically disappear? What we're the deformed clones of two students? Who, or what, is Lesley?

These questions would run though my mind forever...

words: 86

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