14. sweet hibiscus tea

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TW: blood, gore, descriptive wounds, angst, suicidal words 

~sweet hibiscus tea - penelope scott~


Within minutes, the entire sky was turned a sickly, deep orange.

Colin sprang from the table and over to the kitchen window above the sink. When he opened it, a flood of smokey air poured into the house, making both me and Gilbert cough. Colin slammed the window shut.

Gilbert waved the smoke away from his face with another cough. "What the hell is happening?" 

Tony rushed into the kitchen, sketch hanging onto the top of his round frame for dear life. "Did you see outside guys! It's blood-orange! Beautiful color!" They said with a little too much optimism. Tony facepalmed.

Confused out of my wit, I got up and stepped into the main living room. The first thing I saw was unemployed Brendon hunched over on a chair, before I could say anything, he screamed with his arms in the air-


His brother, Brandon, backhanded him in the head. "Will you shut up!? We're gonna be fine!" He huffed in annoyance. I decided not to interfere with their brother rivalry.

As I assumed, every window outlooked a deep orange sky. Panic rising, I threw open the front door and ran into the front hard, where I slowly skidded to a halt as I looked up into the amber clouds above.

Gilbert ran out behind and stopped next to me, huffing from his sudden movement. "What's happening? Is the sky on fire?" He wheezed. My mouth slightly agape and my eyes wide in devestation, words forced itself out of my throat like sharp thorns.


~ small le time skip ~

Ash began falling from the sky, along with the cult members. They fell coughing and writhing in pain, many of them had second to third degree burns, as well as lacerations. Me, Gilbert, the briefcase brothers, and other teachers helped usher them inside and get them stitched up. Luckily, Sketch had been practicing first-aid in their time working here, so them and Tony made sure that the cult members were properly treated.

Though helping the cult members was a big priority, I kept my eye on the sky for Shrignold. My panic slowly rose as more time went by that he didn't show. It had been almost twenty minutes, and there was still no sign of him. If only I had my wings... I thought to myself.

As I helped he last cult member inside, a blue-and-white bunny, a ball of smoke descended f the clouds and crashed into the large tree marking the beginning of the forest path leading to the field...

I ushered the rabbit as quickly as I could to the front door, then turned and sprinted as fast as I could towards the tree. I skidded to a halt, and my heart dropped to my stomach. Hanging on the lowest branch, was Shrignold, limp as could be.

BOYS WILL BE BUGS ~ Warren x ShrignoldWhere stories live. Discover now