13. song about me

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~song about me - tv girl~


I flew away from Warren, feeling his eyes sadly bore into me until I disappeared into the clouds. I gripped my hair with one hand, grinding my teeth together as the pain slowly began to ebb away...

I didn't want to say what I did to Warren, he was an amazing person. I even started to feel...other emotions for him. But that was against the rules, right? I couldn't do that...

All the cult members were gone from the area, perhaps they sheltered in their homes in case of thunder. I quickly fluttered to Malcom, his chipped stone form staring as still and can be into the far distance, unmoving.

I hovered in the air in front of the great Malcom, ready to revive my lecture.

"Forgive me, Malcom. I know I should not be sidetracked by petty distractions that interrupt my tasks, but don't you believe that your telekinetic calling was a bit harsh? I-"

"No! Of course, Please forgive me, I know not to challenge your call..."

"Warren? No sir! I have nothing  to do with that fool. He means nothing  to me-"

"Oh course not! I would never  betray you. I know as well as anyone here that we are a pure community-"

I hung my head and fought an annoyed expression. "Yes sir, I swear that it will not happen again..."

oh it won't happen again...

because nobody will be there there to witness it...


I sat at the kitchen table, my face in my hands as I stared off at the red and white calendar neatly hung on the wall. I didn't want to go back in my room, it was way too stuffy and panic-attack inducing. Nobody bothered me here, and that was alright by me.

I guess that everybody assumed that I was either too much of a bummer to talk to or that I should just have my space. Not many occupied the main area of the house, they probably went into their own little places.

As I accepted the fate of me forever zoning out with a miserable expression, Colin joined me at the table. I was surprised, but I was exceptional at not showing it. He sat across from me and did a finger-gun point at me. "You're sad."

Not really wanted to verbally answer, I tiredly nodded my head. Colin hummed and looked out the window above the sink. "Y'know, Shrignold must be as miserable you as you are. He's a prick, but your the only one who's genuinely loved him his...what, nine years here?" 

I soaked him it's words, then scoffed. "It seems like everyone thinks everyone is an asshole here." 

Colin giggled. "Yeah, but we all love each other, right Gilbs?" He looked behind him to a tired-eyed Gilbert still sitting on the countertop. "Don't talk to me..." he answered simply.

Colin turned back around with a smile. "We all act like we hate each other, but we're all stuck in this house until some crazy twist of fate says otherwise. And I'll tell you something,  Shrig has been wasting his life fawning over that dumb rock in the sky who by the way, has only been bossing him around and telling him what to do. Trust me, one of these days, that little fucker is going to snap."

Gilbert chimed in from the counter, his gaze focused outside of the window. "Hey guys, are the clouds supposed to be orange in the middle of the day?"

words: 572

BOYS WILL BE BUGS ~ Warren x ShrignoldWhere stories live. Discover now