4. Maybe another time

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Shrignold led me through the clouds, his hand in mine. I felt a bit odd, I definitely didn't expect this job to lead to me to me being walked though the clouds by a small butterfly. But as looked on the bright side, it sure was a lot better then what was to come when I went back to the house. 

The sun was beginning to set, turning the fluffy clouds we were walking upon a soft, hazy pink. 

Shrignold finally stopped and smiled at me. "Here we are!" He chimed. He dramatically waved his arm as a showman-like introduction to the scenery, which got a smile out of me. As I looked around I saw about ten or eleven small forest creatures going about their business, all dressed in the same black, blue, and pink robes that shrignold himself wore. And in the center of the creatures milling around, there stood a 20-foot-tall stone statue of a fine-angled head with a red kewl imbedded in the front, the sun setting behind it cast a glowing light.

"This is Malcom, our leader." Shrignold said wistfully, I stared up at Malcom, my mouth slightly gaping. "This is...your leader?" I asked strangely, glancing at Shrignold. Though he kept gazing affectionately at Malcom. "Yes, he protects us and keeps us happy, as well as providing remarkable advise for all..." He said fondly. "But, I though you were the love teacher." I said. "Of, of course I am! Though I like to think of myself as Malcom's apprentice, or courier. I spread his love-brimmed message to all who are pure enough to receive it." I looked back up at Malcom, then to Shrignold, then to the other woodland creatures, who had taken no notice of us.

"So...it's like a cult?" I ask. Shrignold's eyes widened and I flinched. Perhaps I said something wrong

"No, no, no, friend! Not a cult! Never! We simply serve, obey, and submit our entire spiritual begins to Malcom." He smiled sweetly. So a cult. I thought to myself, but I swallowed my words.

"Anyway, my friend- I found you desolate, hurt, and alone when I found you. Isn't that right?" He asked softly. I lowered my head and took a deep breath. "Yes." I said. Shrignold continued at my response. "By joining our family, you won't have to be alone anymore! You can live a happy life, with no hurt or mean words, and you can have a special one!" I chimed happily. 

"A-...a special one?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. "Yes, friend. A special one! Someone to hold you, and comfort you, a person who will stroke your hair and say that everything will be alright..." I scooted. Doubtful...at least for me. I thought, hugging my elbows near my waist.

"Shrignold...I don't really think I can give up my role as a teacher. I'm sorry...I appreciate what you've done for me, really..." I say, looking down at my bandages. "I would...can you please take me back to the house? No hard feelings?" I smile apologetically.


My heart drops. I definitely couldn't force him to stay. I mean, I could. But that would be rude...

"Ok then...I understand." I force a smile, trying to show that i wasn't disappointed. I took Warren by his gloved hands as i gingerly flew him through the soft pink clouds, now fading into a heartfelt orange. I carefully set Warren onto the grass in front of the house. He turned to me, smiling again. "Thank you, for bandaging me, and...well, everything pretty much." I smile back at him, still a little hurt. "Perhaps we'll see each other again..." 

"Yeah, maybe another time..." He smiled one more time, waved goodbye, and went into the house. 

I sighed and began to fly back up into the clouds. I burned hot from embarrassment by not following Malcom's orders. As the sun began to set deeper into the cloud-ocean which was the horizon, I hovered in front of Malcom, my head lowered in respect, though shame. 

"My lord, I sincerely apologize for my imbecility. It will not happen again." I whispered, I could hear Malcom judging me. I took his harsh, though truthful words with silence as the sun set deep into the sparkling night...

word count: 705 

tell me in the comments how the story is going so far!! 💞💞💞

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