Chapter 1: World Turned Upside Down

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Story: Harry Potter

Genre: Family, Hurt/Comfort

Characters: Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy

Summary: The summer before Harry's 4th year an elf appears in his aunt and uncle's house at number 4 Privet Drive giving him some news that will change his entire life. Follow Harry as he begins to discover and understand these changes as well as struggling through the newest challenges his 4th year at Hogwarts will provide. (Bashing of AD/MW/RW/GW)

                                                                                   Is the Dark all Dark?

                                                                                           Chapter 1

Harry was silent as he sat on the edge of his bed, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. His Uncle Vernon had already warned him about what would happen if he didn't make himself scarce during their little dinner party with an important client from his uncle's work. He glanced at Hedwig's cage, knowing that she was feeling just as cramped as him since they'd gotten back from Hogwarts. He sighed before he leaned back on his bed, closing his eyes in frustration. Hedwig watched him before she rested her head under her wing in an attempt to sleep for the night. Harry rolled over on his stomach and looked at the picture of his parents with a small smile. A suddenly pop startled him, sending him tumbling to the floor. He stared at the house elf wide eyed, his mind instantly going back to his second year with Dobby.

"Master Harry sir, my name be Izzy. I be personal elf to Late Lady Potter." The female house elf squeaked, bowing before the young wizard. Harry frantically glanced towards the door hoping his uncle hadn't heard anything downstairs.

"You can't be here." Harry whispered, quickly scrambling to his feet. He stepped towards the elf, hoping she would leave. She stood in silence watching him.

"Izzy bring Master Harry a gift from Lady Lily." Izzy stated, snapping her fingers to summon a small bundle. She carefully stepped around Harry and placed it on his pillow before she offered him a small smile.

"Lady Lily would be proud of Master Harry." She stated softly before she popped out of the room. Harry stood looking at the spot she had just occupied before he turned his attention to the small package she had left on his bed. He slowly walked over, picking it up. His heart swelled at the tight of his mother's handwriting on the front of the envelope. His vision blurred for a minute quickly wiping the tears that had gathered there. He turned over the ivory envelope, looking at what he guessed was the Potter seal. He sucked in a deep breath, wondering just what his mother could have possibly planned ahead for.

'My Darling Harry,

As I sit by the fire attempting to write this letter I can't help but wish there was some way to survive this war, but when you're nothing more than a pawn on Dumbledore's chess board he always has a million plans all for what he calls the greater good. I wish I could have gotten to see the young man you grew up to be and that Sirius didn't spoil you with too many pranks. Merlin knows he is just an overgrown child himself. However, I also hope he respected our wishes that we left in our wills. But...knowing the hate he has for his family I doubt he would have told you or...your family the truth. Which is why I have tasked my personal elf, Izzy with delivering this letter to you on the day of your 14th birthday.

Harry the reason I am writing you this letter and waiting until you're about to enter your 4th year is because I know it wasn't the right thing to do. Our son Alexander had only been a couple months old when he passed away during the night. So, when Dumbledore showed up at Potter Manor it wasn't very hard for him to convince us to take you in. And of course, once Dumbledore convinced James that we were doing the right thing by taking in an orphaned child of a death eater...there was no going back. I can't tell you how many times I attempted to reach out once I learned just who your mother and father were. However, my letters always returned unopened meaning either they turned my letters away or something stopped them from reaching them. I want you to know that no matter who's baby you were James and I loved you so very much.

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