Chapter 14: Lunch In Diagon Alley

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Is The Dark All Dark?

Chapter 14

Harry was silent as he sat at one of the tables in the Leaky Cauldron, glancing around ever so often, clearly uncomfortable. Tonks offered him a reassuring smile, attempting to help ease his nerves.

"I thought they would have been here by now. Since...Remus got a letter saying to meet them here at lunch." he muttered, reaching up to brush his bangs out of his face. Tonks couldn't help sighing, seeing the unsure look on his face. He wasn't sure if he would actually trust the Malfoys or if they even actually wanted him for him or if they wanted him for the fame and reputation his name would bring once it came out he was their missing son.

"I'm sure they're just running late. Maybe they had something they had to handle at the ministry or something." Tonks attempted to suggest. Harry leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes in an attempt to distract himself from the overwhelming sense of disappointment the thought of them not showing up gave him.

"That is correct Miss Tonks. We do apologize for keeping you both waiting so long." Lucius stated suddenly, resting his hand on his son's shoulder. Harry jerked up, spinning around in surprise at his father's voice. He normally was able to tell when someone was walking up behind him, however, he'd been unable to sense either of them until he was already speaking. Narcissa offered him a small smile as she sat down in one of the available chairs next to her son, briefly looking him over as she attempted to search for any changes since she'd last seen him during the first task.

"No problem at all. Just had Harry here a little nervous that you'd changed your mind." Tonks stated, offering the Gryffindor a grin. He blushed, ducking his head in embarrassment.

"We're really very sorry Harry. We just had to handle a few things at the Ministry than Fudge wanted to keep me even longer talking about the tournament." Lucius attempted to explain, unused to the feeling of regret that had settled into his stomach at the look on his youngest face.

"It's fine." Harry muttered, rubbing his arm for a moment.

"It's not fine. Clearly this bothered you and we will try our hardest to not keep you waiting so long again." Narcissa stated, reaching over to grab his hands between her own. He managed a slight nod as he pulled his hands back, not failing to notice the brief hurt that flashed across her face. Lucius sat beside his wife, waving over Tom to take their order.

"How are things going at Hogwarts? Hopefully its been a rather uneventful year outside of having to participate in that blasted tournament." Lucius questioned, taking a sip from his glass as he watched his son's face.

"It's been...ok. I mean I'm not...actually attending Hogwarts. Just...staying on the grounds. Tonks and Remus are teaching me." He explained, shifting slightly in his chair. He didn't fail to miss the look Mr. Malfoy gave Tonks, knowing that he probably didn't approve.

"You're being taught by a were...ex-defense against the dark arts professor and an auror?" he questioned after several moments of awkward silence. Narcissa offered her husband a brief glare before turning her attention back to her son. Harry bristled, sitting up straight in his chair as he opened his mouth to object. Tonks quickly stepped in, hoping to stop the situation from escalating into something that would have everyone involved saying something they didn't mean.

"Mr. Lupin has his mastery in both defense and history of magic. Plus, from what I've seen he clearly excelled in school with his other subjects. Added fact, even though my mother was disowned, I grew up in a strict but caring Black household as well as being personally trained by Alastor Moody." Tonks explained. She glanced between Narcissa and Lucius for a moment, easily noticing the look the two of them shared.

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