Chapter 11: Return to Gringotts

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Is The Dark All Dark?

Chapter 11

Harry sat in silence with his knees pulled close to his chest, resting his head against them as he sat at the tent entrance, the flaps pulled open to allow him to see the grounds outside. His mind had been racing since the first task, both wondering about the egg and attempting to make sense of the Malfoys.

"What's going through that head of yours pup?" Sirius questioned, sitting next to him just out of view. Harry glanced at his godfather for a brief moment before releasing a sigh, leaning back on his elbows.

"Just thinking about how screwed up my life actually is." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Yeah, you've had quite an adventure haven't you kid." Tonks stated, stepping into the tent. She offered the two of them a small smile.

"I really thought this year was going to be different. I was prepared to never have to see this place again and hid from the Malfoys while I tried to figure everything out. But of course, nothing ever goes as planned when it involves me." Harry sighed, closing his eyes.

"Make a plan, stick to the plan, throw away the plan. Something your dad always used to say while were in school. I can't tell you how many times we'd have a well thought out prank that something would go wrong to and nearly get us caught." Remus remarked, crossing his arms as he stood behind Sirius. The animagus laughed, leaning back to look at his best friend.

"Remember that one prank we pulled in the Great Hall? When we changed everyone's uniforms to represent another house? Peter panicked when a fight almost broke out between a group of Slytherins and Gryffindors? He nearly got us caught by McGonagall." He commented, grinning at the memory. Harry couldn't help but laugh, enjoying hearing a memory of the man that gave his life to protect him. Neither Remus or Sirius brought James up very often, not that he blamed either of them considering he understood the hole the older Potter's death had left.

"Master Harry need eat lunch." Izzy stated, holding out a tray that held a couple sandwiches, a stern look on her face. He accepted them, muttering a soft thank you before turning his attention back to the three adults.

"Is there anything I can do to possibly get at least the Malfoys off my back? So they can't force me to do anything I don't want to? I know I've been pretty lucky so far but I also know...Draco's dad...has all the money and evidence he needs to convince the Minister to place me in their custody." He finally questioned, voicing the worries that had been plaguing his thoughts since returning to Hogwarts. Sirius and Remus shared a look, both seeming to communicate without words.

"I've been researching a few different things but we'd need to make a trip to Gringotts which honestly wouldn't be an issue since you don't need Dumbledore's permission to leave the grounds." Remus commented after several moments of silence. Harry stood up, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"Well going now is better than later." He commented, shrugging his shoulders as he shifted slightly.

"Do you have your wand? Because Tonks and I are going to stay here. And Sirius will have to stay as Padfoot until you are safely inside the bank." Remus stated, reaching out to ruffle Harry's blue/blonde hair.

"Yep. My wand is in the holster on my arm where I can easily grab it if it is needed." Harry laughed, ducking under his uncle's arm, attempting to prevent him from further messing up his hair.

"Izzy take Master Harry." The house elf stated a determined look on her face that left no room for any form of argument. She held out her hands to Sirius and Harry, popping out of the tent once she was sure they both ready. Remus and Tonks glanced at each other, both hoping their current coarse of action worked.

Once they had appeared in a back alley behind one of the stores in Diagon Alley, Sirius shifted into Padfoot. He walked at Harry's side, occasionally looking around for any signs of anyone watching them as they walked towards the bank through the alley. Harry shifted sightly, uncomfortable as he looked up at the towering white structure. He stepped inside, slipping around the witches and wizards. He stopped in front of one of the tellers towards the back of the bank, hoping that he would be able to talk to Griphook. Padfoot brushed his head against Harry's hand in an attempt to sooth him.

"State your business." The Goblin sitting at the desk stated, not bothering to look up from the coins he was counting.

"Heir Harry Potter, needing to speak with Account Manager Griphook." He stated, glancing down at Padfoot occasionally unsure. The goblin finally looked up, setting aside the stack of coins he had been counting.

"Wait here." He gruffly stated before he stepped down, slipping into the door station behind his area. Harry shifted slightly, glancing over his shoulder to keep any eye out for either of the Malfoys or anyone else he might recognize.

"Come this way." The goblin stated, gesturing to the door that led into a private hallway. Once the door was closed behind them Sirius shifted back, resting his hand on Harry's shoulder. The goblin didn't spare them a glance as he continued leading them down the hallway, opening one of the doors further down.

"Welcome Lord Black, Heir Potter-Black." Griphook stated, offering both wizards a slight smile, though from a goblin it looked menacing.

"Griphook there is something we were wondering hoping you could look into for us." Sirius stated, sitting down in the chair. Harry quickly sat in the other, remaining silent as he watched them.

"I don't know if you've heard what's been going on at Hogwarts this year but Harry has been forced to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. The magical contract clearly stated that to participate as a chosen champion they had to be off age, which in the wizarding world as you know is 17." He explained, not failing to notice the angered look that flashed across the goblin's face for a moment.

"I hadn't realized you wizards brought back such a dangerous and barbaric." Griphook stated, leaning back in his chair.

"The goblins are a warrior race, I wouldn't think this...tournament would be something you were against." Harry stated, glancing at Sirius when his godfather cleared his throat. Sirius gave him a warning look, causing him to quickly go quiet. Both males jumped when Griphook released a deep laugh, turning their attention back to him.

"I take no insult from your heir, Lord Black. He has studied his history well to understand we are a warrior race. However, while we enjoy fights for fun, children are always something we goblins consider sacred. This tournament has been known to cause many deaths, which is why your ministry banned it many, many centuries ago. I take it that Heir Potter-Black did not enter upon his own intentions since the last time you were in I thought I had understood that he would not be returning to Hogwarts?" Griphook questioned, glancing between the two of them. Sirius offered him a firm nod, crossing his arms as he attempted to gain his composure.

"We don't know yet how his name was entered, nor how he was chosen as a champion. But that isn't the current issue I was hoping you could help us with. Harry...has been avoiding the Malfoys but as I'm sure you are aware they are a stubborn family. And they are resourceful if nothing else. There is also the worry of Dumbledore attempting to use his false guardianship over him in an attempt to regain the tight control he had over him." Sirius continued, relaxing after several moments.

"You want me to look into the laws behind the tournament contract and see if Harry can be emancipated since it clearly states to participate you have to be of age." Griphook guessed, already pulling a stack of parchment from his desk. Harry nodded, not surprised he had already figured out what their visit was about.

"Let me see what I can do. Wait here." The goblin stated, standing from his desk.

"Do you think this will work?" Harry questioned once they were alone in the office.

"We have to hope it will. Though you know if you are emancipated you will be able to take on the Potter Lordship." Sirius teased, attempting to cheer his godson up.

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