Chapter 9: Enemies or Friends?

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Is The Dark All Dark?

Chapter 9:

Enemies or Friends?

Harry was silent as he sat in the chair in front of Dumbledore's desk, his arms crossed as he glared at the Hogwarts Headmaster. Remus was standing off to the side with a disappointed look on his face as he glanced between Harry and Draco. The blonde haired Slytherin sat in the chair next to his twin, still rubbing his hand against his cheek in an attempt to ease the bruise that had formed from Harry's punch.

"Mr. Potter, while I understand that at the point you are not a student at Hogwarts it still saddens me to see you resort to such violence against another student." Dumbledore stated, clasping his hands together in front of him on the desk.

"I don't see why you should have any say over what my punishment is when I'm not a student at Hogwarts anymore. Professor Lupin is listed as my headmaster so he should be the one that gets onto me." Harry objected. He flinched slightly at the way Remus' eyes flashed gold for a moment, showing just how furious he actually was with Harry. He knew that he shouldn't have lost his temper and just ignored Draco like he has in the past. He hadn't meant to actually punch him, not really even realizing it until he had already knocked his twin to the ground.

"Yes well, be that as it may you didn't punch another student and since he is a...pureblood I did have to notify his parents of the incident and they have both expressed a want to speak with you. And I personally do not feel comfortable leaving you in their presence without some form of guidance for either of you boys. Though before they arrive there is another matter I want to discuss with you Harry and that this ridiculous look you have adopted this school year. Clearly Miss Tonks hasn't been the best influence on you since you've decided to completely change both your appearance and your behavior Mr. Potter." Dumbledore continued, ignoring the glare he received from both Draco and Remus. Harry jerked up straight, opening his mouth to voice his objection when the office doors opened.

"Well Albus since you are neither the boy's headmaster nor guardian I do not think that is something you have any say over at this given moment." Lucius stated, standing in the doorway with Narcissa on his arm. He faltered for a moment when he caught sight of his youngest son's new appearance, a small burst of pride going through him at the sight of the Malfoy blonde hair and silver eyes. Narcissa's mask melted for a moment at the sight of her youngest child, a small smile appearing on her face as she took him in.

"Now Headmaster I do insist that you allow my wife and myself to have a private conversation with the boys. Of coarse Mr. Lupin is welcome to stay so give...Mr. Potter some form of reassurance that all we want to do is speak." Lucius stated, giving the aging headmaster a brief glare, as if daring him to voice any form of objection. The headmaster's eyes narrowed for a brief moment before he stood from his desk.

"Of course. If anyone needs me I'm sure one of the paintings can inform me. Now if you'll just excuse me I do need to find Mr. Crouch to speak with him about the arrangements for the first task." Dumbledore stated before sweeping past them, out of the office. Harry released a breath he had been holding before he turned his attention to Remus.

"I really am sorry for reacting." He admitted, returning to leaning back in his chair. He ignored Narcissa when she cleared her throat, figuring she was going to object to his posture.

"I know you are Harry, but I am still disappointed in you. However, that is a conversation when can have once we are back in the tent. I do believe Mr. Malfoy said there was something they wanted to speak with you about." Remus stated, gesturing to the family of three. Harry flinched for a moment before finally turning his attention to his 'parents' not failing to notice the disappointed looks he was receiving from Lucius as Narcissa waved her wand to ease the bruising on Draco's face.

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