Chapter 24: Discover Another Misfortune

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Hello everyone. I hope all my readers are doing well with all the...craziness currently going on in the world. I finally got the time to sit down (instead of sleeping) to finish the chapter for this month. I managed to make it a little longer than my normal ones which is my current goal going forward.

Just a reminder: You can find me on facebook under the name Snowbeam and I have started a discord server that everyone is welcome to join. Readers and writers alike. The invite code is (c8zrjDCtRa)


"A lesson without pain is meaningless." – Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Chapter 24:
Discovering Another Misfortune

Harry was silent as he sat in the against the soft pillows that had been placed in the bay window that overlooked the grounds of Potter Manor. He read the defense book Snape had given him. While he was sure the Potions Master had only given him the gift to make his parents happy, he was actually enjoying it. He had always enjoyed Defense even with the horrible teachers he'd had the first two years at Hogwarts. Remus had been an awesome teacher but from what he'd seen of the man teaching defense this year, he was still the only decent one they'd had. His mind began to wander as he thought about what the creepy man had done to Draco the night of the Yule Ball at Hogwarts, finding himself wondering if anything had been done. He knew that Lucius hadn't been happy with the fact Dumbledore had attempted to brush it under the rug simply because it had been done to a group of Slytherins.

"Lunch for Master Harry." Izzy stated, popping into the sitting room holding a plate of sandwiches. She tilted her head slightly when he didn't look away from his book, concern written on her face since he never ignored her.

"Master Harry." She stated again, hoping to catch his attention. The small house elf laughed when he jumped, clearly startled if the surprised expression that appeared on his face was any indication. She sat the tray on the small table that was located next to the window bay seat, giving him a kind smile.

"You need eat lunch. Then Professor Wolf needs you in library." She stated before she popped out. Harry figured she had other things she needed to take care of but liked the fact she always cared about him enough to personally make and bring him lunch every day simply to make sure he didn't forget to eat the one meal he was allowed to take alone. He closed the book before grabbing one of the sandwiches. His attention was drawn to movement down on the grounds as he took a bite, smiling as Remus and Tonks walked through the gardens. He could see Sirius running around a little way ahead of them as Padfoot. Since he'd spent Yule morning with, he'd felt an odd sense of ease. It was small and he knew they still had a long way to go but it had felt like something small had finally clicked into place.

"I hope it's okay but your...Izzy let me in through the floo." Draco's voice suddenly stated from the doorway. Harry jerked around, surprised by his brother's arrival. Draco offered his brother a smirk before he walked over to the window, stealing a sandwich from the plate.

"It's fine. You're...welcome to come over whenever you want." Harry muttered. He couldn't help feeling slightly surprised as he realized how comfortable he'd started being with the boy that had been his school rival since starting Hogwarts. If anyone had told him at the end of the previous year that he would be able to stand in the same room as Draco without fighting, he would have thought they were crazy or under some type of spell.

"Not that I mind but was there something you were needing?" Harry questioned after several minutes of awkward silence.

"I came through because I was wanting to talk to you about the upcoming Wizengamot meeting. I doubt father has thought to mention it to you but since hold a Lord title, you have a right to attend." Draco answered, shifting slightly to hide how nervous he felt around his twin. While he knew they'd been working on their relationship since Harry had started spending more time with Daphne which meant he was spending more time with the group of Slytherins, Draco still felt like he had a lot to make up for. Harry frowned as he thought about the meeting. Lucius had mentioned it in passing but he hadn't heard anything else about it since that first time. It wasn't hard to figure that he probably thought he was still too new to his responsibilities to want to attend the meeting. Plus, if he remembered from his lessons with Remus, Dumbledore was the one mostly in charge of the sessions.

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