Chapter 5: Goblet of Fire

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                                                                                    Is The Dark All Dark?

                                                                                             Chapter 5

                                                                                         Goblet of Fire

Draco was silent as he sat at the Slytherin table watching the Goblet of Fire spit out the three champions names. Personally, he felt like anyone would have been better than the Hufflepuff that had been chosen to represent Hogwarts. He leaned his head against the palm of his hand, listening to Blaide and Theo debate on which school would win the tournament. He jerked his head up when the fire flared up again, blowing a fourth piece of parchment from the Goblet. Dumbledore stepped forward, catching the singed paper.

"Harry Potter." He announced, searching the Great Hall for any signs of the missing Boy Who Lived. Draco didn't fail to notice the furious looks on both of the visiting headmasters' faces, neither seeming happy about the announcement of another champion for Hogwarts. When missing Gryffindor didn't step forward Dumbledore turned and walked out of the Great Hall, pacing across room the other three champions were located in. Cedric watched his headmaster, confusion evident on his face as the older wizard muttered to himself.BN

"Headmaster, sir, is everything alright?" the young Hufflepuff questioned, stepping forward.

"How did this happen? Why did the Goblet spit out another name? There are only supposed to be three champions, not four!" The headmaster of Durmstrang snapped, placing his hand on Viktor Krum's shoulder.

"I do not know Igor. I shouldn't have been possible unless someone charmed the Goblet to make it think there were four schools competing instead of three. But it is beside the point that Harry Potter has not returned to Hogwarts this year and it is still unknown where the boy currently is." Dumbledore attempted to explain, ignoring the furious looks he was receiving.

"Ze tournament cannot start without ze boy. Ze Goblet is an ancient artifact that binds anyone who is drawn." Headmistress Maxime stated, her tall stature causing her to tower over the other occupants in the room. Mister Crouch looked between the three Headmasters, clearly attempting to think of a way to start the tournament without needing to delay anything.

"Perhaps the Ministry could send Mr. Potter a letter if the ones from the Headmaster are not getting through? Most wards allow certain letters through." Percy Weasley stated from where he was standing at the back of the room. The four adults glanced at the recent Hogwarts graduate for a brief moment before returning to talk amongst themselves, clearly each figuring that would be the best course of action.

"Minister Fudge can personally send the boy a letter and if he doesn't attend the wand ceremony than it can be counted as a forfeit." Barty Crouch Sr. stated, nodding his head at his own statement. The three champions each shared a look, unsettled by the lack of care any of their teachers seemed to have at the thought of a child losing his magic.

                                                   :3 :3 :3 :3 Potter Manor :3 :3 :3 :3

Harry was silent as he sat at the table, enjoying his breakfast with a grin on his face as he watched Tonks shift her features around, clearly attempting to gain Remus' attention. Sirius couldn't help but roll his eyes at his little cousin's antics, a grin on his own face.

"Tonks, maybe you could start working with me on more defense training if you're not going to eat your breakfast?" Harry questioned, laughing when she released a startled squawk, nearly tumbling backwards out of her chair. Remus jerked his head up at the sudden noise, closing the book he had been so engrossed in to look at the pink haired woman.

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