Chapter 7: Building Bonds

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Is The Dark All Dark?

Chapter 7

Harry was silent as he walked along the path leading towards the Great Lake, lost in thought. He'd only been back at Hogwarts for a couple days and already he felt like an outcast once again. He shoved his hands in his pockets when he reached the lake, leaning against a tree. During the wand weighing ceremony the other three champions hadn't been overly welcoming nor had they curved their opinions of him being in the tournament. During his walk back to were he was staying with Remus and Tonks multiple students had make their own comments.

"Surprised to see you out here? This is a pretty open area." A voice stated behind him causing him to glance over his shoulder. The girl walking towards him was dressed in Hogwarts robes and wearing the Slytherin symbol and tie. He sighed, shaking his head, allowing his bangs to fall in his face.

"I can't stay cramped up in a tent the entire time with two other people and a dog. I would go insane and figured since it's starting to get cold there wouldn't be very many people outside. Did you need something?" He muttered.

"No, simply escaping all that is going on inside with everyone starting to prepare for the first actually task." She simply commented, stopping to stand next to him. She looked out at the water, watching Harry out of the corner of her eyes.

"I'm Daphne Greengrass, 4th year Slytherin." She stated, turning to face him with her hand held out. Harry chuckled, shaking his head, a smile slipping onto his face.

"I know who you are. I might not have seemed like it because of the company I kept the last couple years, but I do at least know who my fellow year mates are." He commented, shaking her hand. A small laugh escaped her lips, her pureblood mask slipping for a moment. Harry quickly looked away, moving to sit at the base of the tree. Since everything had come to light he'd often found himself just wondering about everything since the beginning of first year. The hat had wanted to put him in Slytherin which should have been his first hint that something was different about him but he'd been so adamant about not being in the same house as Draco.

"Draco has been worried about you since you didn't show up at the beginning of the year." She commented off handedly, leaning against the tree beside him. He released a dry laugh, glaring at the water.

"Probably just misses having someone to knock him down a peg or two. Or having someone to terrorize." He snorted. She didn't fail to notice the slight tremble in his hands at his comment, figuring he didn't want to let himself give the Malfoy family a chance. She sighed, reaching up to push a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I know he seems like an arrogant prat, but Draco does mean well when it comes to his family. That's one thing he was raised to cherish." She sighed softly, glancing at him again, waiting for his reaction.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He stated defensively.

"Harry Potter I am not stupid. I am the heiress to a pureblood family, raised in the heart of the wizarding community. I can tell the difference between magically signatures far better than the blood traitor or muggle born you spent your time around. And I can tell the change to yours and how it mirrors Draco's." she explained, her tone leaving no room for argument or objection. Harry released a dry laugh, hanging his head to allow his bangs to fall in his face, hiding his expression.

"Do not misunderstand me. I didn't say they were exactly the same. I said mirrored, you're still your own...special Gryffindor self." She interjected, not failing to guess just what it was going through his head.

"But I'm really not am I? Every Malfoy in history has gone into Slytherin. I was supposed to go into the house of the Cunning and Ambitious and...instead I fought with the Sorting hat that night. How am I any different than the rest of them?" he questioned, the confusion and hurt he had been feeling for months finally slipping out. Daphne sighed for a moment, before carefully sitting on the grass beside him, turning her piercing blue gaze to the lake.

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