Chapter 8-"That cotton candy haired bitch!"

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~Shadow's POV~

*Sigh*Sonic...I can't stop thinking about him,i miss him you see the thing is that well he hasn't been talking to me for the past two weeks and i don't even know why,did i do something wrong? Is he mad at me? I just don't know anymore anyway since if been going to therapy sessions i couldn't take care of my grandpa as much and it was also his idea so i moved him into a retirement center so i've got the house all to myself now,it's pretty nice but really lonely oh i just remembered that i need to go grocery shopping since i'm almost out of food,it's getting late well i'll sort this thing out with Sonic later...

///40 minutes later at the supermarket///

As i was about to go check out i rememberd that i almost forgot to get some cearl so i quickly made my way over to the sneak alise,i grabbed the last box of frosted flakes and put it in my cart,i was listening to music with my headphones on so i when i felt someone's hand on my shoulder i flinched i turned around ready to attack who ever was behind me,turns out it was Tails so i pause the song that was playing and toke off my headphones

Tails"Hey Shadow"

Shadow"Oh hey Tails uhh what are you doing here?"

Tails"I'm grocery shopping with Sonic an-"

Shadow"Wait Sonic?! Where is he?!"

Tails"...He's over by the dessert place wit-"

Before Tails could finishing talking i ran off over to dessert place so that i can talk to Sonic and find out why he has been avoiding me,I panted from all the running and looked around to see Amy wrapped around Sonic's arm and then she kissed him on the cheek,feelings of anger and jealousy filled my body i felt like crying and all could thinking about was beating that cotton candy haired bitch up! Just then i saw Amy turn around and look right at me

Amy"Hi Shadow"

Sonic"Wait Shadow?"

Sonic then turned around and looked at me i blushed then Amy began pulling him towards me i couldn't take it anymore so i just walked anyway back over to Tails who actually was nice enough to hold my cart for me

Tails"There you are here i-"


I said in deep dark tone and grabbed my cart from him and quickly went to check out,paid for my groceries and left as tears began flowing down my cheeks

///At home///

I locked the fornt door and threw the groceries on the table then i went up to my room and fall face first in my bed as my tears stained my pillow and then it hit me

It's time that i grow some balls and stop being a littel pussy! I'm gonna go over to Sonic's house and just tell him how i feel already...i don't care so what if he's dating Amy i'm just gonna go and tell him,i pulled out my phone and checked the time it was 11:24pm,it does seem like there is gonna be a thunder storm tonight so i'll just ask Sonic if can stay the night there.I know i seem crazy doing this right now but just like Mel said "All the best people crazy all the best people are!" Plus life is short so whatever let me just do it!

~Sonic's POV~

After we dropped off Amy at her house Tails and i began to walk home on our way home i could feel that Tails was just dying to tell me something so i grabbed his wrist and stopped him dead in his tracks

Tails"Hey what are you doing?! Dude there's litarly about to be a thunder storm we need to get home"

Sonic"Ok fine you can tell whatever is on your mind on the way home"

Tails"Wait what are talking about?"

Sonic"Oh c'mon Tails i know you just spit it out already!"

Tails"Fine well it's about Shadow he may or may not kind of...actually nevermind it's not that important anyway"

Sonic"What no tell me"

Tails"No i tell you later"

Sonic"What if there is no later,what if i get hit by a bus later?! What if i get sucked up by a tornado later?! What if i get eaten by a dinosaur later huh?!"

Tails"Woah geez dude calm down your acting like your in love with him or something"

I looked away and immediately began blushing and i could feel Tails smirking at me

Tails"Wait you like him don't you?"

Sonic"What no of course not!"

Tails"Yes you do i can see you blushing"

I let go off Tails's wrist and began to ran home since i knew he was gonna keep teasing me until i admitted that i liked Shadow always i knew i was faster then him and that he was afraid to be alone at night,this when on for about 10 minutes until we got home.I quickly opened the fornt door and that's when i saw Knuckles on the couch with his arm around his new girlfriend Rouge i forgot that was having his date here

Tails",you...asshole you know if scared of the dark!"

Tails said behind me in between breaths we just laughed at him and i went up to my room,grabbed my pj's and went to take a shower


I was playing Minecraft on my laptop while sitting on my bed when i suddenly heard knocking? But it wasn't coming from the door i got up from my bed and saw that someone was standing outside my window


Word count:973

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