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Warnings - None, other than some good old fashioned fluffy fluff

'you got a slurpee for freei caught you looking at me in the 7/11 under the fluorescent lights'

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'you got a slurpee for free
i caught you looking at me in the 7/11
under the fluorescent lights'

"I set up the couch" Wally smiled as they walked together in the gym.
Jo held her blanket up, pressing it to her chin as she warily looked at the group collecting their snacks and going to their comfy spots. She hadn't been in the group since that first night, the only person she talked to was Mr Martin and now Wally. She didn't mind them, Mr M was kind, he took his time and knew what each person needed for their unique situation. Jo needed space and he gave it.
Wally..was different. From the very short time they've spoken she could say straight away that he was one of the good ones. It was funny, for all the time her brother used to spend talking about the jock currently striding beside her, taking one step to her four, she didn't imagine him like this. Jo pictured a burly guy, who was more muscle than brain and was too serious; Caught up in his love of the game to actually show any emotion that would be considered 'unmanly'.
However, here was the Great Dane puppy, all oversized limbs and heart. She was glad to have a friend, even on the other side.
"Ms Finnes, so glad to have you" Mr Martin greeted as they approached, making the rest of the group turn in their direction.
"Hey Jo, you wanna pick out something?" Maddie offered, as she and Rhonda were looking at the collection of movies they had.
"No, no It's Rhonda's turn- I'm up for anything" She replied kindly, it was funny how her and Maddie were on opposite side of school crowds when they were alive and now they were bonded together by this. It's amazing how life- correction-death works.
"I like her" Rhonda smirked, clearly pleased she didn't have to give her turn for niceties sake, she turned to Wally "What about you missing link? Are you up for anything?"
A small conversation fell between them as the look the two shared,was filled with both daring and mutual resentment. Wally plastered on his best fake smile, nodding in agreement.
"Really? Anything huh? Well alright then, I think I will take you up on one of your suggestions cherry-pop" Rhonda nods to Maddie, plucking a movie out from the pile and handing it to Mr Martin.
"You two don't like each other very much, do you?" Jo muttered to Wally, who leaned down to hear her. His smile went genuine, as he tilted his head toward her, making them stand closer together.
"Oh, we're the best of pals" He said sarcastically, then quickly adds "Come on small fry, this is our spot" walking around the front of the couch, tossing a fat cushion on it.
"You're sharing the couch?" Charley raised an eyebrow. The group went quiet, looking at Wally with surprise and suspicion.
"Obviously you guys, it's Jo's first movie night" He played off well, ushering her over. "Plus it's the best seat in the house" He winked, clicking his tongue for affect.
"Alright everyone, movie is ready to go" Mr Martin called out, read to take a seat behind the couch, as light from the projector beamed onto the wall. "Shall we?" He clapped his hands together, making the students move a little faster to their places.
Sprawled and comfortable, the teenagers lay like seals on a beach as the movie flickered on and the black and white images of the 1960 classic 'Psycho' began.

School Spirits - Wally Clark/ OCWhere stories live. Discover now