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The crowd is stunned. Their mouths open and it was like a collective gasp.

"Because, dear Sebastian, the past six years have been utter bullshit!" I sneer. 

"Brooklyn?" Pamela asks.

"See, I felt sorry for Sebastian. Our entire relationship is fake!" I tell the crowd. "It was all a ploy so people would feel like love exists in the world that has fallen around us."

Sebastian reaches for the microphone. I side step him as Gabriel steps between us and blocks him from me.

"The Milton family runs on power plays and corrupted systems. They use our working class citizens as entertainment o feed their egos and thrive in their wealth!"

Gabriel guards me from Sebastian, pacing around the ring to keep him at bay.

"Lance Hornsby is far from innocent. But, that doesn't change the fact that he was framed by Pamela Milton herself. The disappearances of our beloved neighbors were all done by Sebastian's hands! He used money and power to manipulate people like April Martins into doing acts that put her life at risk until it eventually killed her."

"Get the microphone!" Pamela snaps to Mercer.

Mercer looks at me knowingly. I shake my head to him. Then, I look up at Eugene. Eugene nods and pushes play.

"The Commonwealth is built on buying into bullshit," Sebastian's voice rings through the air- the recording that Max got of him.

"Brooklyn, go," Gabriel warns as the recording continues in the background.

"The reality is that the poor stay poor so that the rich can do whateer the hell we want."

"Go!" Gabriel snaps.

"You.. You.." Sebastian points to me, then Max. "Useless, whores!"

I fall to my knees and roll out of the ring. Jihyun grabs my arm and lifts me off the ring and to the ground.

"Jihyun," I breathe.

"Go. You two, go!" he hurries.

Jihyun pushes Max to me and I grab her hand as we take off running. I risk a look back to see Jihyun keeping guard to not let Sebastian get to us.

"What about Eugene?" Max asks.

"We'll find him, just keep running!" I shout above the chaos that began to unfold.

The crowd was screaming at Pamela and throwing things at her. The tape was on repeat so they continued hearing Sebastian's honest feelings.

My heels click and click against the road as we run, Max keeps me steady on the shoes.

I risk a look back and see Sebastian getting closer.

"Go!" I shout to Max. "I'll find you when things clear up! Find Eugene!"

I swerve just in Sebastian's sight so he saw me. He changes course and follows after me.

I push past someone but they grab me by the arms. A scream rips from my throat at the man's white eyes and molded looking skin.

Dead. Walker. Whatever they were called, this man was one.

I slam my hands against his shoulders and he snarls, teeth snapping in my face.

The strength wasn't like a normal human. He was stronger. He didn't get tangled like a human.

Past the walker's shoulder, I see Sebastian. He smiles and turns away, chasing Max.

"No! No!" I shout.

Sebastian was blinded by rage. He would kill Max. Panic sweeps through me as I fight with the dead man.

My ankle twists in the heels and I fall to the ground. The walker falls on top of me, biting at the air between my neck and himself.

A sudden force knocks the walker off of me. I sit up just in time to see Jihyun holding it down.

"Brooklyn! Head!" he shouts, struggling against the walker.

I pick up the heel I'd fallen out of and crawl to Jihyun in a haste. He holds the dead man's arms down as I slam the pointed heel into the man's eye repeatedly.

I keep stabbing. Screaming. Adrenaline was blinding while also making me see things clearly for the first time in my life.

The walker stops moving.

I drop the bloodied shoe and look at my state. There was blood all over the white dress and my skin. My eyes find Jihyun.

"Hey, there, Cinderella," he smiles.

My bottom lip trembles as I fight the urge to hug him.

"Can you run?" he asks.

I twist my ankle around and nod. "Just a twinge."

"Let's go," he says.

I grab Jihyun's hand and stand up.I take the other heel off and toss it on the dead walker's chest. My heart was still pounding. My mind hadn't caught up to all of the chaos yet.

Jihyun situates our hands and pulls me into a run down the street.

Jihyun situates our hands and pulls me into a run down the street

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𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇 𝓇𝒶𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈--

in case it wasn't picked up on i wanted brooklyn's first walker kill the mimic deanna stabbing the wolf walker with the broken bottle and rick helping her BUT i wanted jihyun to assist instead of fully sAviNG her so she could still have her independent strength and not be seen as a damsel in distress

also just imagine the final Look of the movie ready or not bc that's pretty much brooklyn in a wedding dress covered in blood lmao 

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