9. Twist

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''Aemond, we have a surprise for you.''

''What is it?'' Aemond questioned as Aegon led him deeper into the dragon cave.

''Something very special.'' Aegon told him smugly. Daelia's gaze shifted to them confused. 

''You're the only one of us without a dragon.'' Jace remarked.

''Indeed.'' Aemond agreed. 

"What's going on?" Daelia countered skeptically as she finally got to the pits.

''And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you.'' Aegon mused.

''A dragon? How?'' Aemond said happily as he waited for his dragon to immerge.

"Dont!" Daelia warned. 

''The gods provide.'' Aegon told him smugly. Jace came walking up with a pig with wings tied to its back. Aemonds smile fell as it approached. The pig was grunting and snorting as Jace struggled to hold it.

''Behold...'' Aegon declared as they all shouted.

''The Pink Dread!'' The boys started laughing at Aemond's dismay and Daelia saw red. 

''Be sure to mount her carefully. First flight's always rough.'' Aegon mused as the pig continued snorting. But Daelia ran up shoving her brothers aside they tumbled into the dirt and she slapped the pigs rump and it went barreling into Aegon he went flying before landing with a hard thud. 

"DAELIA!" Aegon sneered rubbing at his sore ass. 

"Despicable. The lot of you." Daelia hissed. "Come on Aemond."

"Daelia I really thought-"

"I know you did because you want a dragon so badly you think Aegon the idiot could find you one." Daelia agreed. 

"I feel like the idiot." Aemond admitted. 

"Of course you do, you let Aegon trick you, again." 

"I just want a dragon." Aemond whimpered and Daelia hugged him. Aemond tensed before smiling into her. If she wanted to be his princess in shining armor then he was glad to let her because Daelia the hero was hugging him. 

"We have to tell your mother." 

"No, she will get mad at me." Aemond corrected. 

"I will tell her what Aegon and my brothers did, I will say you were not fooled but it was terribly rude of them." Daelia offered. 

"You would do that for me?" 

"You are family." Daelia agreed. "I can punch Aegon for you too if you like." 

"Unbelievable." Alicent murmured. 

"Aegon did it no doubt but my brothers were his minions." Daelia added. "I'm sorry... I'm also sorry that i might have to punch Aegon really hard."

"No you are not... sorry that is." Alicent corrected, Daelia smirked back at her. Alicent wished so much that Daelia was her daughter. "I will speak with the king and then to Aegon." 

"I will speak to Aegon." Daelia countered. 

"That would not be wise." Alicent countered. 

"I think it would be, I can be very ferocious." 

''They made wings for it, apparently, and a tail.'' Alicent hissed out.

''The lad shouldn't have been so credulous.'' Viserys told her nonchalantly.

''He's a child." Alicent reminded him

''He thought they'd happened upon some wild unnamed dragon and lured it to the Dragonpit?'' Viserys countered with a laugh.

''Your grandsons are a menace.'' Alicent spat.

''They're more children than he is.'' Viserys assured.

''Th-They're savages. And it's not surprising.'' Alicent muttered swirling her drink in her hand

''Are you sure it wasn't our Aegon who put them up to it?''

''It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched.''

''And why is that?''

"Aegon," Daelia knocked but didnt wait for an answer. 

"Ahh!" Aegon declared jumping out of bed. "I see you finally want me."

"Gross, no." Daelia countered quickly. Aegon's nose scrunched up. 

"Rude." He muttered. 

"What's rude is you being a dickhead to Aemond. What is rude is you using my little gullible brothers to help you torment Aemond-"

"Careful Daelia, or else Aemond is going to think you like him." Aegon warned. 

"I do like him which is why I'm going to teach you a lesson, not to mess with my friends." Daelia threatened. 

''You are considering Prince Reggio's offer.'' Laena said incredulously when she found her husband, Daemon.

''We have a good life here. We're free to do as we please, welcomed and feted.'' Daemon corrected.

''And eternally guests.''

''Precisely. We are without responsibility. The political scheming, the endless shifting of loyalties and succession is none of ours.'' Daemon corrected

''They are using us.'' Laena hissed

''It's refreshing, isn't it? A simple transaction. We have dragons, they have gold.'' Daemon countered

''We are more than this, Daemon. We are not minstrels or mummers who play at the pleasure of an alien prince. We are the blood of Old Valyria. We don't belong here.'' Laena said in exasperation.

''Valyria is gone. We don't belong anywhere.'' Daemon corrected

''I want my child to be born where I was born, on Driftmark, in my lord father's castle. I want my daughters to be raised in their homeland with their family according to their birthright. And at my end, I want to die a dragonrider's death. Not that of some fat country lord." Laena hissed as she stomped off.

Daemon had not been back to kings landing since Rhaenyra's wedding and his swift departure with Laena. It was almost poetic... debating stealing the bride to be instead choosing her cousin... less romantic and more gothic with how it turned out but Daemon was content enough. He didnt love Laena but they had fun, he had yet to give him a son just a whiney daughter that didnt have a dragon and a mini Laena, great, two of her. 

"LET ME GO!" Aegon cried out. Criston came in worried, for Daelia that is. When he saw her hands fisted around Aegon's balls he was worried but then he noticed the vicious twist and Aegon's almost purple face. "DAEL-" He sobbed out. 

"Don't mess with Aemond again, or I snap you little cock off." Daelia warned before marching off. "Hi Criston."

"You are kind of scary." Criston remarked, she leaned into him. 

"You never have to worry about me snapping your cock off, you are perfect." 

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now