6. My Girl

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Daelia was turning 11, Aemond was turning 10 and since Aemond and her name days were closer together Alicent suggested a double name day party. She thought it would be great bonding for the two.

"Aemma was engaged at 11." Daelia remarked.

"Your late grandmother aemma?" Laenor questioned confused.

"Yeah. Thats the one." Daelia agreed as she took a big bite of cake.

"Do you have someone in mind?" Laenor questioned cautiously. She was 11 not even a teenager yet. He wanted a few more good years before all hell broke loose and the marriage offers came flooding in.


"No." Laenor declared. "The correct answer was no my dear. You are still my little girl." Laenor corrected.

"I was just thinking about age gap. Like auntie Alice and king viserys." Daelia remarked.

"Its a large gap." Laenor agreed. "But you dont have to marry an old man. You wont. I promise."

"But if an older man not an OLD man just older caught my eye..."

"This is a hypothetical right?" Laenor begged it to be hypothetical.

"Sure. If it helps you sleep better at night." Daelia mused.

"Go get some more cake," Laenor corrected. "And be a kid, dont grow up. Never grow up." Laenor begged.

"Okay Daddio," Daelia agreed with a wink.

"Oh Gods." Laenor let out a deep breath shaking his head. This was very bad.

"Happy name day Daelia!" Aemond declared.

"You too." Daelia agreed. "Hey you want to get out of here and do something fun?"

"Umm," be brave aemond be brave she wont like you if you are not brave. "Yes. Totally." Aemond agreed.

"Wonderful," daelia agreed. "We will use aegon as a distraction." She decided "and then we run."

"Run where?"


"And miss the party?"

"This is a childrens party aemond," daelia agreed. "We are basically grown ups."

"Im ten." Aemond countered.

"Double digits!" Daelia agreed. "Come on. Go bug aegon and he will start a mess and we run for it."

"Princess." Criston countered. Daelia smiled up at him and aemond deflated

"Hi ser Criston," daelia answered swaying her hips and letting her dress dance around her legs.

"Happy name day princess."

"Thank you. Im eleven. Im basically a grown up. I was just telling aemond," daelia remarked.

"Its true. She was. We were talking." Aemond agreed.

"What are you two up to?" Criston questioned.

"Cake." Aemond answered

"Us? Nothing. Never." Daelia assured.

"I thought you said-" aemond began. Daelia hushed him putting a hand over his mouth. "Hes so silly... did you want to dance?"

"I think im supposed to ask you that." Criston countered.

"Okay then...." Her feet twisted on the hard ground. "Ask me."

"Daelia-" aemond began.

"Dance with me." Criston held out a hand and daelia knew it was angood idea to wear one of her mothers old dresses and beg alicent for a pair of higher heels. She looked older. Definitely looked more kissable.

"Whats wrong?" Alicent questioned moving to aemond. "Are you not having fun?"

"I was." Aemond countered.

"Oh? What happened to change that?" Alicent pondered running a hand through his hair. Aemond leaned into her a poutnon his lips his eyes set on criston and his perfect beautiful daelia.

"Oh I see." Alicent agreed. "Ser Criston is her guard. Dont worry my love. I have complete faith that she will see you are the man for her in no time."

"Cant it be now? Right now?"

"Patient is bitter but the fruit is sweet."

"You are a lovely dancer." Criston remarked as they danced together hand in hand pressed against each other

"Thank you. You are a fine dancer as well." She agreed. "We should always dance together." Criston smiled down at her. She half thought he was going to kiss her when he brought his face close to hers.

"You have frosting in your hair." He whispered like a seductive mistress. Daelia blinked back at him as his fingers pinched a strand of her hair. She felt so humiliated. "You are just oozing sweetness," criston added then he kissed her cheek and she was on cloud nine. Until laenor came and promptly shoved her off the cloud where she faceplanted on the cold hard earth of westeros.

"Mind if I cut in?" Laenor questioned.

"Yes. I mind very much," daelia countered.

"Of course."  Criston countered.

"Dad." Daelia whined.

"What?" Laenor mused. "I wanted to dance with my girl."

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now