16. Gods, Grown Ups are Weird

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"I will marry aemond." That was Daelia's solution.

"What?" Criston countered, how she went from thinking they were forever to going to marry Aemond in just a mere hour, Criston couldnt understand.

"I can stay at the capital with you and you will be my guard until im of age and then we shall wed." Daelia declared confidently.

"Daelia-" Criston countered.

"Don't say no." She begged. "Just let me... let this dream that you and I will be together one day live on." Daelia begged and he kissed her forehead.

"Okay." Criston agreed. Daelia nodded before running off to find Alicent.

"Grandmother. I want to stay in the capital and in a few years marry aemond." Daelia declared. Alicent lit up. Aemonds eye went wide. She wanted him? Daeron squinted back at daelia.

"You want him?" Daeron laughed out. Aemond scowled back at him.

"Oh my darling girl I would love that!" Alicent agreed

"Me too. Very much." Aemond agreed, nodding so fast Daelia thought he was going to snap his neck.

"I think that the news of my mothers actions has really been just awful and I don't want to be associated with her... and her no good boys." Daelia added. Laenor stared down at her.

"I know you love your brothers."

"Half brothers." She murmured.


"They stabbed Aemond, they met those girls and then they turned my brothers into killers!"

"No one died." Laenor countered.

"Are you mad?" Daelia questioned instead.

"About what?"

"That i'm not going back to dragonstone with you? I will miss you like crazy!" Daelia declared. "You can come with me! Dont be mad at me though, I can't handle mother and she hates me! So I will wed Aemond, its better to be closer to my betrothed before the actual union."

"No my darling girl I dont hate you, I love you so much, but are you sure this is about Aemond?" laenor questioned.

"Who else would it be about?" Daelia countered innocently, she batted thin eyelashes up at him.

"No one." LAenor agreed.

"I don't want to leave you." She assured. "You come back to the capital with me."

"I need to try and make things right with your mother." Laenor countered.

"Why?" Daelia countered. "Its not like she has tried with you or me." Daelia added. Laenor chuckled, she had a good point.

"I want you to be happy daelia, just promise me that you will visit and write me all the time." Laenor instructed, Daelia hugged him tight. He sucked in a breath as she suffocated him in a hug.

"Thank you daddy you won't regret this!" Daelia declared.

"I love my girl so much." laenor declared kissing the top of her head.

"I love you." She answered.

"Right on time too, I had these made for you."

"Sapphires." Daelia smiled as Laenor held out the matching set. A necklace with a large pendant, a ring cut down into a small circle she smiled down at it on her finger.. "Oh daddy I love it!" She declared as he helped her put on the necklace. "I have never gotten anything so beautiful!"

"You deserve the world Daelia. Now your gems sparkle as much as you do." Laenor offered kissing her cheek.


"Mother im going back to the capital with aemond and grandmother."

"What?  No." Rhaenyra corrected.

"Yes. Father already said yes... oh, Hello great uncle daemon. Nice to meet you again and goodbye. Probably forever." Daelia offered as she strut off.

"DAELIA!" Rhaenyra shouted.

"I like her." Daemon chuckled.

"Of course you would'. Rhaenyra agreed glumly

"Why? Because she is beautiful? Sassy? Smart no doubt. Like you used to be." Daemon offered.

"Used to be?" Rhaenyra scowled back.

"Yes. Used to." Daemon agreed before following after Daelia. "Daelia darling."

"Kinda busy uncle."

"Of course you are but you could wait a moment for me."

"Could I?" Daelia sassed turning to face him and he saw a flash of likeness in her eyes. In her lips. The way she held herself.

"H-how old are you?" Daemon questioned.

"Why do you care old man? Im taken."

"Are you? By who?"

"None of your business that's who." Daelia sassed rooting her hands on her hips.

"How old are you?" Daemon demanded. "How old are you kid!"

"Daemon!" Rhaenyra begged.

"Tell me!"

"Daemon stop it." Rhaenyra shouted.

"Tell me daelia!"

"I'm eleven!" She screamed back. "Gods. Grown ups are so weird."

"Eleven." Daemon rasped before his jaw set and eyes narrowed at rhaenyra. "Eleven!"

"You ran away!"

"You should have told me! You should have told me yesterday when you saw me! The moment you had her, the moment you knew!" Daemon spat.

"And then what? Im not someone you care about anymore daemon. Im a use to girl. Remember?" Rhaenyra spat.

"So im just gonna go." Daelia remarked running to the ship. Criston was waiting for her.

"Ready?" Criston questioned offering her a hand

"Yep," daelia agreed.

"Shes my daughter! I had the right to know!" Daemon shouted furious.

"Why? So you wouldnt hit on her? Try to fuck her!" Rhaenyra shouted

"She is mine." Daemon hissed. "Mine!"

"She is about as much yours as she is mine." Rhaenyra murmured, Daemon hesitated his eyes narrowed confused.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Daemon countered.

"She hates me. Because I pushed her away. She hates me because I hated that you were not here. She hates me because I pushed her away because I couldn't look at her without seeing you. So yes daemon." Rhaenyra agreed. "She is your daughter but beyond blood you will be nothing to her. Same as I... not unless we work together."

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now