17. Daddy

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"We have to go back." Daelia sobbed out.

"My dear whats-"

"He's dead! My father is dead!" Daelia collapsed into Alicent, her whole body shaking, she couldnt get enough air in her lungs. 

"Laenor is dead?" Alicent questioned confused. 

"He's gone," Daelia sobbed out. "He was killed! He's gone!" They turned the ship around, without Viserys this time, he couldnt handle the journey back. Daelia cried the two days it took to get back, she was inconsolable. Criston held her as she cried out. Aemond wanted to be the one to hold her but Daelia didnt let go of Criston. 

Daelia jumped off the ship before it docked and splashed through the waters. Rhaenys reached out for her holding her tight. 

"What happened?" Daelia whimpered. 

"There was an attack." Corlys rasped out. "He..."

"Not my daddy." Daelia's lip quivered. Corlys knew with 80% certainty that Daelia was another breed of bastard but she loved Laenor and Daelia was Laenor's world. 

"I'm so sorry my sweet girl." Corlys answered. Daelia shook her head holding onto Rhaenys as she sobbed out. 

Alicent offered her condolences once again but Corlys and Rhaenys pulled her aside as Daelia was taken to bed, she tired herself out crying for the past two days. 

"We... received this not long after..." Corlys nodded to Rhaenys and she passed off the declaration. "Rhaenyra had out son killed." Corlys hissed. 

"You dont think-" Alicent began as she looked over the notice.

"I do." corlys corrected. "She stole our son, she stole her childrens... father. She stole Laenor from Daelia." corlys corrected. "Without a second thought."

"Do you need anything? Can I get you something to eat or drink? You havent touched any food since..." Criston thought about it, at least two days. 

"I'm not hungry." Daelia countered. 

"I doubt that." Criston corrected. 

"I dont want him to be gone." Daelia whimpered. "Why couldnt it have been my mother?"

"You dont mean that." Criston corrected. 

"If I could choose, I would rather she dead and if I got my father back." Daelia corrected. 

"I'm going to fetch you some food, just in case." Criston countered after a long moment, he kissed her forehead before heading off. 

"Rhaenyra knows how much Daelia loves Laenor," Alicent countered. 

"And since when has Rhaenyra cared for anyone but herself?" Corlys hissed. 

"But to marry Daemon... he has always wanted a crown." Rhaenys added. "She has always wanted Daemon." 

"I dont know what to say besides I'm so sorry." Alicent declared. "Ser Criston-" Alicent called out. "Where is Daelia?"

Daelia stayed in Laenor's old rooms that night, she cried into his pillow and felt something rough as she cradled the pillow to her chest. She wiped at her eyes trying to read the words. A tear fell to fast smudging the words:

My dearest Daelia.

"Oh daddy." Daelia whimpered. 

She couldnt get her eyes to focus on the words, she cradled the letter to her chest trying not to smudge it even more. 

"Daelia..." Aemond whispered knocking gently. Daelia plopped down on the bed, pretending to sleep when Aemond peered in. "Daelia? Are you..." he saw her sleeping frame. Aemond moved to the candle blowing out the candle and pulling the blanket over her. "I love you... I'm so sorry Daelia." Aemond whispered before heading out. Daelia sat up in the darkness when he left and stared down at the letter in her hands even though she couldnt see it in the darkness. She put the letter inside a book that was on her fathers beside and closed her eyes. She was exhausted, but the tears wouldnt stop. 

"She's asleep." Aemond remarked. Criston glanced down at the food. 

"I'm just going to leave it on her table" Criston countered. 

"Dont wake her up." Aemond requested. "She needs her sleep, I dont think she slept much the ride back."

"She didnt eat or drink much if anything either." Criston added. "I will quiet, thank you, prince Aemond." Criston assured. He nodded as Criston carefully headed in. Daelia heard the tray being placed down and she sat up. Criston squinted in the dark when he heard her moving. 

"Criston..." Daelia whimpered. He moved carefully to her. "I want him back. Why... why?" 

"I dont know Daelia, I'm so sorry, but sorry will never be enough."

"Is the man that did it dead too?" Daelia whimpered. 

"Yes." Criston agreed. "Your grandparents saw to it." Criston assured. Daelia nodded slowly. He reached out grabbing her hand. "Daelia," He didnt know what he was going to say, instead he hugged her and she sobbed into him some more. 

Aemond waited for Criston come back out but he wasnt coming out. Aemond peered in his eyes adjusting to the darkness as Daelia sobbed out. 

"Can you stay?" Daelia whimpered. "I dont want to be alone." 

"Of course." Criston agreed. "You always got me, Daelia. Always." 

Aemond knew he shouldnt be thinking this as a time like this but he couldnt help but think he had some real competition for Daelia's love.

Karma //  Criston Cole // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now