4 | four: video games

423 9 11

warnings: mild language, slight angst near the end

Y/n yawned as she went downstairs, barely awake yet.

She froze as she met eyes with Kazuha. "Oh hey Ka-" Y/n stopped talking as Kazuha quickly walked off.

She really screwed up. But it was too late now. She'll just have to deal with it later.

"You guys looked like you were having an intense stare-down or something." Itto suddenly said as he appeared from behind
Y/n, scaring her. "Sorry, man didn't mean to scare you. Did something happen between you two?"

Y/n sighed as she plopped onto the couch, Itto following right behind her. "I think I messed things up with him." She grumbled.

Itto's eyes widened. "Kazuha doesn't get mad easily.. What did you do exactly?" He asked as he grabbed the tv remote and turned on the tv.

Y/n groaned as she rested her head on Itto's shoulder, causing a hint of red to show on his face. "I made out with him.." She muttered.

"W-Woah really?" Itto asked, a shocked look on his face. "Did he enjoy it?"

Y/n nodded. "It seemed like things were gonna go further but I chickened out. I left him alone right then and there after apologizing." Y/n groaned, the memories making her feel embarrassed.

"Why'd you chicken out?" Itto asked as he wrapped an arm around Y/n, smiling a little as he felt Y/n relax into his touch.

"Because I've only done that once.. In like my second year of high school but I haven't since." Y/n explained.

"I could see why that could make you a little nervous." Itto cocked his head. "But hey.. Even if he is mad at you, all you need to do is explain why you backed out like that and I'm sure he'll understand." Itto said. "Kazuha is a nice guy. He understands others and doesn't hold grudges."

"..Alright. I guess I understand." Y/n said.

An idea came to Itto's mind. "Hey.. why don't we play some video games together until you feel you're ready." He suggested.

Y/n looked up at Itto and nodded. "I'd really like that." Y/n smiled.

Itto grinned and grabbed two controllers before getting the console set up on the tv. He tossed a controller to Y/n, which she caught.

Itto sat back down and the two sat close as Itto showed Y/n all the games he owned. "What would you like to play?" He asked.

Y/n's eyes glanced over a few of the games before one caught her eye. "That one." She said as she pointed to the video game both she and Itto favored.

"Aw sweet!" Itto said before starting up the game.

The two spent a good hour playing together, saying hi to the occasional roommate walking near them but would immediately put their focus back onto the game.

Y/n and Itto were taking a small break when a thought came to Y/n's mind.

"I think I'm ready to go talk to Kazuha.." She spoke.

Itto smiled. "That's good. Here.." He said before digging into his pocket, grinning as he found what he was searching for. "Take this for when you talk to him." He said as he placed a plush beetle in Y/n's hand. "I carry it around when I get nervous because it brings me a strange sense of security."

Y/n smiled. "Thank you. I'll bring it back right after, alright?" She said.

Itto nodded. "Good luck." He spoke softly.

Y/n got up and placed the plush beetle in her pocket, keeping her hand in the gently hold it. She inhaled and exhaled before heading to Kazuha's door.

She knocked on the door. There was the faint sound of footsteps before the door opened. Kazuha stood there and shock as he realized it was Y/n who knocked on his door. "Yeah?" He spoke.

𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 (Some Genshin Impact Men x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now