3 | three: bonding & smoking

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warnings: smoking zaza, mild language, some inappropriate touching

Y/n was doing the papers to prepare for her transfer to the new college when she ran out of pen ink. "Fuck.." She groaned before slamming the dead pen on her desk.

She decided to go to the room of a certain roommate she knew would let her borrow a pen.


She knocked on the door, and after a moment the door opened. Kazuha stood there, blunt in his mouth.

"Hey Y/n." He said as he took a huff, blowing the smoke away from Y/n.

"Do you have a pen I can borrow?" Y/n asked.

"Uh- Yeah. One moment." Kazuha said before he stumbled over to his desk and searched for a pen. "Ah! Right there!" He said before grabbing it and handing it to Y/n. "You look stressed." He said as he noticed the way Y/n acted at the moment.

"I am. I have to figure out all this shit for school before the semester starts." Y/n groaned.

Kazuha raised an eyebrow before pulling Y/n into his room, closing the door, and leading her to his chair. "Sit." He spoke.

Y/n sat down and looked up at Kazuha.

"Do you smoke weed?" He asked as he took another huff, blowing the air to the side.

"Uh.. Sometimes. Rarely though." Y/n said.

"Hm. Open." Kazuha motioned to Y/n's mouth. Y/n partially opened her mouth as Kazuha gently stuck the blunt in her mouth. "Use some of that. You need it." He said as he sat on his bed, pulling Y/n closer to the chair.

Y/n sighed after taking a huff. "Fuckkkk.." She groaned as she rested her head back. She passed the blunt to Kazuha and the two began sharing.

"Talk to me, Y/n. I'm a good listener." Kazuha smiled.

Y/n looked at Kazuha before groaning. "I'm honestly just nervous. Like what if I fuck up? What do I do then?" Y/n asked.

"That's if you screw up. And that's a big if. In the small time I've known you, you seem smart. I doubt you'd mess up." Kazuha spoke as Y/n handed him the blunt.

"I hope you're right.."

"Wait wait I wanna try something come here." Y/n smiled, Kazuha coming closer.

She and Kazuha were high beyond thinking. They had been ranting to each other and smoking for a while, and the weed was really starting to hit.

Y/n took a huff before pulling Kazuha closer and blowing the smoke into his mouth, Kazuha freezing and his face reddened a little.

The two chuckled and touched noses, this position being the funniest thing in the world to them at the moment.

Y/n bit her lip as she glanced at Kazuha's lips. She smirked at Kazuha before leaning a little closer. "I'm gonna kiss you, alright?" She mumbled.

"I'm not against it.." Kazuha spoke.

Y/n placed her hands on Kazuha's cheeks before pulling him in and kissing him. She smiled in the kiss as she felt Kazuha kiss back.

Y/n's arms wrapped around Kazuha's neck as Kazuha pulled her onto his lap. The kiss was getting more intense by the second and Y/n could feel a familiar feeling forming between her thighs.

Y/n let out a slight moan as Kazuha's hand trailed up her shirt and touched her skin. Y/n found herself moving her hips against Kazuha's, getting more turned on by Kazuha's groans.

Y/n's eyes widened and she pulled away from the kiss as she realized what she was doing. She quickly got off Kazuha's lap.

"A-Are you okay?" Kazuha asked as he noticed Y/n's nervous expression.

"I'm.. I'm so sorry- I don't know why I did that. I uh- I gotta go." Y/n said before leaving Kazuha in his room.

Kazuha sighed and facepalmed. "Fuckk.." He muttered.

Y/n quickly got back to her room and shut the door behind her. She covered her mouth as she stood in shock.

"I can't believe I did that." She muttered to herself as she paced around her room.

She sat on her bed, processing everything that happened in the last five minutes. She was ranting to Kazuha about life and somehow it turned to her making out and grinding on him.

She hoped Kazuha wasn't mad at her.

RAAAAA this was kinda hard to write 😿

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