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Location: The Sully's Family Room

Location: The Sully's Family Room

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Pov: Neteyam

My phone vibrating on the floor next to me abruptly pulls me out of my sleep. The sunlight shining through the large windows has me squinting my eyes in an attempt to see as I reach my arm out from underneath my blanket to silence my phone. After feeling around the cold floor for it I finally took hold of it and turned it off, checking the time in the process.

6:00 am.

I let out a small grunt as I sat up on the couch, the thin blanket I had covering me sliding down my body and exposing my bare chest to the cold of the blasting AC. My eyes scan the area around me in search of the shirt I had worn before falling sleep but I can't seem to find it.

Sighing tiredly; I realize I'll have to fully expose myself to the coldness of the room in order actually to find it. How I hate being sensitive to the cold...

Ok, let's do this.

3.. 2.. 1..

I now fully remove the blanket from my body, inhaling sharply as I slowly stand up from the warmth of the couch. I'm sure I look foolish with how stiff I'm walking around right now.

Waddling my way around our family room, I look around everywhere to see where my shirt could have possibly ended up. After spending a few minutes looking, the sound of dress shoes echoing against the hardwood floors grabs my attention. I glance up at the staircase only to find my father dressed nicely in a three-piece black suit, adjusting the expensive watch around his wrist. His eyes fall on me once he's fully down the staircase, a wave of relief visibly washing over his seemingly tensed figure.

"Oh, morning son— I wasn't expecting anyone else to be up this early." He gives me a small smile as he enters the room, the air shifting at his presence. He screamed power and dominance 24/7; you could tell just by the way he walked. My father has always had such a confident and self-assured aura that I envied deeply. He carried himself in a way that almost forced the people around him to respect him— to fear him. I've always wanted to be seen the same as my Father as I observed his success my entire life.

"I figured I should get a bit of a headstart on everything before everyone else got up," I tell him my reasoning for being up at this hour to which he nods his head. "Are you heading to your meeting now?" I finally ask him, remembering that he had mentioned it last night.

"Yes, Chen and Daiyu just landed so I'll be picking them up and heading straight there after. Your Mother should be leaving soon too so I'll need you to watch over your siblings, alright?" He informs me sternly, making sure I understand my responsibility.

"Yes sir." I answer him respectfully with a nod of my head.

He doesn't say much else, simply patting my shoulder as he bids me goodbye and makes his way to the front door. I wait patiently for him to leave, listening to the sound of the door opening and then quickly clicking shut as he makes his exit. I can't help but let out another tired sigh once he's gone as I realize I'll be going through another overwhelming day.

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