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"Damn, I'm bored as hell," I muttered to myself while eating cereal. I'm searching for a job somewhere that doesn't involve killing in such a brutal manner. Even though I don't feel much when killing another person, I get paid to kill with no remorse or guilt... But still, He feels like I could do something other than that and help people. I might have some meaning in my life if I do. Maybe I should go to that Laminax Labs place or whatever. Seems pretty shady but hey. it is better than nothing and beats working at some fast-food garbage. I wear my favorite piece of clothing. My black hooded cloak pretty much covers my eyes but I can still see. It's just any other person can't see my eyes.

After a few hours in an awful interview! I got the job. I managed to convince the man to keep my cloak and two brief cases saying that they are for my room in the lab which was a lie. They gave me a bat since I'm working as a guard around this place.  I sighed, "I knew they would give me a shitty weapon to defend myself" My hunch was right. Which is why I sneaked in some weapons.  I even have a grappling hook attached to my arm under the cloak.

I sneaked in my trusty revolver and a bow mostly because I could use something more silently.  Also brought some scrap and explosives to make some dangerous toys. Even though it could be an ordinary job. I just only focus on what could go wrong. A scientist notices me and walks up to me with a smile. "Hey! You're the new guy, right? I'm here to give you a tour and... why do you have that cloak and those briefcases?"

"Well, I feel more comfortable with this. Anyways can I get a tour please?" Twelve said calmly.

"Sure thing. It's just that uhh... your cloak covers your eyes and it kinda makes me feel uneasy that's all" The scientist chuckled a bit. We walk around the lab while the scientist explains the various landmarks, The pool room, and an area with gas canisters. Then I notice something that catches my eye. A goo creature inside of a cell is being researched by two other scientists.

"What is that? It looks like a big slime dog" I calmly said but still seemed to be interested in this creature. The creature is standing on its two legs and looks like a lime-colored dog or hound.

"That is a gootraxian. It is a slime hound and this is what we are researching at Laminax Labs." I got interested even more because of this fact. Are there more of these? Can they talk or be intelligent? There are so many questions forming in my head right now.

"They seem to act on instinct but some can be intelligent and can understand human language sometimes but they sadly cannot speak." The scientist explains and then starts to look a little sad, "They were human once before you know... I don't like how we treat them here but we can't deny our orders." The scientist looks at me waiting for my response.

"Why do you do it then?" I said, The scientist sighs and responds with a serious tone this time. 

"I need the money and I want to give my daughter the best birthday. She is going to turn 8 next month." He then looks away for a second and looks back at me. "Those gootraxians can infect other people which is a painful process. I feel bad for those who got infected and are getting experimented on" I feel like the scientist is trying to say is to not treat these things like animals.

"Okay," I said and continue to walk with him. after a few minutes of silence, I decided to say something.

"Anyways what is your name? You never really introduced yourself. Oh, and my name is Twelve if you are wondering" I said.

The scientist looks at him and starts to speak, "I'm Jacob or just Dr. J" The scientist continues walking down towards a garden. "This is the garden. A lot of the plant-type gootraxians try to break out to water the plants here. They like plants and I mean like a lot."

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