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-??? pov

The squad began chasing the cloaked figure who turned out to be a panther under that cloak. It seems very intelligent hiding itself from humans to be hidden undetected. We must capture it to be able to learn more about it. Following it into the caves it hid somewhere here, Everyone began searching for this thing. Suddenly I heard a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot then following up something liquid splattered the floor. Did that thing have a gun? It must've stolen it from Ruby! Gunshots after gunshot everyone was dropping until I was the very last one.

"Show yourself!" I shouted in the cave, probably grabbing the attention of different goos nearby but I didn't care. This thing's aim is something else and how could it even hold on to it without difficulty? Something grabbed my waist from behind! It's going to try and affect me!

-Twelve's pov

I grabbed him from behind and suplexed him. I don't think he was expecting that, He is unconscious on the ground. This place is oddly beautiful with the bright crystals shining in this dark cavern. Still wondered who that girl was and why she seemed so familiar. That doesn't matter right now I need to find Kyle. We got separated from that big team of humans to capture everything that escaped. Walking through the hallways I quickly hid behind a locker. leaning a bit I could see more humans walking down towards my location. Throwing a soda can away from me distracting them for a moment I silently dash right past them without any of them noticing. Wondering around and hiding I see a familiar redish-orange goo. Kyle told me it was called a Hazzy and remembered beating it up... and that scientist guy. I see it hanging out with a watermelon shark. He seems a little mean but personally don't judge a book by its cover. The Hazzy gets scared and goes behind the shark and then notices me.

"What is a Panther doing here?" The shark said perplexed about what I was wearing and the fact I had gloves made me look strange as well. The shark seems to get slightly agitated from the silence. Hazzy still seemed to be scared of me because of how I beat it up earlier. The tension in the room is rising. 

There is something that feels off though. Why does the shark seem familiar somehow? The watermelon decides to walk towards me. 

"Listen I don't know why you are here but you are scaring this little guy" He was right, The Hazzy was very scared of me.

"I don't bring harm. I want to know if you have seen a black panther that isn't normal?" The shark is still weary of me while he looks into my dead cold eyes. He seemed a little intimidated but still stood his ground.

"I never seen another Panther out here so leave us alone!" The shark said. I left without saying anything as the shark was standing there wondering why he felt so familiar with the Panther. I continue to look for Kyle as he is just a big kitten, Pretty much helpless. I hope he isn't in any danger right now.

-Kyle's POV

These humans won't give up chasing me!! These guys had scythes and hazmat suits it was insane and I was so gonna die if I even tried to fight them all by myself. I can't even fight!! Running down a hallway two humans were blocking the way, Both female.

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