A friend?

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-Twelve's pov

Someone was shaking me a bit. I want to sleep a little longer... They shake me harder this time. I slowly open my eyes and see the panther next to me. It wasn't a dream then...

"You mumble a lot in your sleep dude!" He said sounding very tired and exhausted while walking over to a shelf and grabbing a jar of something. "What does this say..." Squinting his eyes to see the blurry letters, "Go- gumm... gommies?" He looks at it again finding it cute about this little treat. "Hey! Twelve look! They got snacks" I rub my eyes and stare at him.

"Don't eat them. Could be poisoned." I sigh and get up from the bed slightly covered in black fur. "So do you know anything about yourself or what?" Kyle was thinking about it for a minute.

"I barely remember anything. I only knew my name on a ripped lab coat near me when I woke up." He said scratching his head. "How about you? Why do you wear that cloak all the time? It's not like we are naked or anything! We have fur!" I grab my cloak tightly.

"This feels important to me. Okay," I look at the door. I felt a little starved and felt like we should go to the cafeteria or something. "Do you wanna go and get something from the cafeteria?" He smiled that's a yes, and walked our way there. Kyle was a bit chatty and wanted to know me better for some reason.

"I wanted to ask you"


"Are you going to take those gloves off? You know you have claws and there isn't a reason I can think of that you want to be able to hold a knife easier."

"I won't be taking these off Kyle. I feel a little safer with a weapon with me."

"You are an odd... very odd goo"

"Aren't you odd too? I mean the only reason they kicked you out as an outsider was because of your innocence. You don't exactly have a predator instinct."

"I guess but I don't really know why I am like this!" We stop walking, Kyle looking at me, "I mean don't you think it is weird that I'm not like the rest!? I must be super special!" 

"Yeah, Special in the head" I pat his back making him stumble slightly.

"HEY! That's so mean!"

"I'm not wrong"

"Well, I mean... At least I'm not some edgy guy! I could call you the edge lord!" I cringed at that nickname.

"Don't call me that. That is really just... just no"

"Come on!" He put his paw on my shoulder.

"No." Moving away slightly causing him to stumble again. Gathering himself he then taps me in the back.

"I've been wondering... Do you recognize that girl in your room? I mean are you two a couple?! That would be so cute!!" I winced at that question... I don't remember that face or her name. I do remember she is important to me in some way. Perhaps... not in a good way.

"Let's not bring her up... please" Kyle gets confused at that response but nods trying not to pry into my comfort zone. Arriving at the cafeteria it seemed to be empty and slightly messy from the looks of it but we were not alone as there were two humans there eating. I could see that Sprinkles was hiding behind the counter seemingly scared of them and rightfully so. One of them has a scythe while the other has an axe. Kyle seems a little hesitant while a panther wouldn't have trouble dealing with one guy with an axe but someone with a scythe is another story. 

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