Chapter 12: A Text Message

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Chad Knaus

Good news! Appeal has been heard, and penalties reduced. We're still making Rick's pocket a little lighter. Crew chiefs, you get to enjoy your couch a little longer. But we got the points back!

There were smiles on both Alex and Chase's face as they read the text message at the same time from Chad, a glance shared as they both rejoiced in the moment. 

"Do you know what that means?" Chase questions as he reaches for Alex's hand, pulling him close to him. "You're my sexy points leader now!" He then leans in, lightly brushing his lips across Alex's as Alex easily accepts the gift in return. "I'm proud of you, honestly. I'm proud of everything you've done this year. It's great to see you prove yourself to the world. Now you just need to keep it rolling."

"That's the plan - as long as William lets me snag a win or two here," Alex replies to which Chase couldn't help but chuckle a little. It had been amazing to watch his teammates so far this year. William was the early championship threat, chasing wins on a weekly basis. Then there was Alex quietly entering the picture with perfect consistency. It just increased his want to return to the track that much more in hopes to be right alongside them.

"Just tell him he needs to share or else I may kick his ass." Alex couldn't help but chuckle in response, just wondering how that conversation would go over. 

The pair then went back to their usual afternoon activities. 

Chase was going through some of the at-home stretches he had been given at physical therapy, knowing he had to follow through with them twice a day. He was committed to doing them, knowing the more work he put in, the faster he'd be back with his boys. 

Alex had gotten comfortable on the couch, shifting through the variety of messages he had in his e-mail to review. There were the messages from ABR, whether approving the new shop layout, lobby appearance, and some of the apparel designs. He couldn't help but drool at the idea of adding gold to the new sprint car shirts. Then there was stuff that Blake and Greg wanted to him to review ahead of this weekend at Richmond Raceway, from video to set-up notes in hopes of continuing their early season success. Follow that with some updates from his PR rep in appearances and upcoming interviews, and he was right in his usual flow.

It was why neither noticed when Ryan had entered the room, eyes staring at his own phone, re-reading the text message that had appeared there not once, twice, but like 10 times already.

"You look confused," Alex finally comments as he takes his eyes off of his Ipad screen while taking a sip of his iced coffee to notice Ryan had entered the room. "Did your sisters do something, again?"

"Erin pregnant?" Chase questions, causing Alex to spit said coffee, causing Chase to break out laughing as Ryan looks on shocked. "I'm sorry, but she and William have had a lot to celebrate this year already." Ryan shakes his head no, though also wouldn't be surprised if he saw that message next as Chase had a point. "You said the media call went fine, and the stuff I've saw on twitter earlier looked good. What's up, man?"

"Isabelle texted me," Ryan says, catching both of their attention immediately. "I haven't heard from her in over a year." He then pauses, eyes locked on Chase as he wondered if this was a bit of a sore subject. Their fight had been because he had gone behind Chase's back with Isabelle. What if he still held that against him, despite continuing to say that wasn't the case? "We stopped talking once she realized the feelings I had for her didn't go as deep as we thought they were. Sure, I had feelings and we explored, slept together, spent some time together. I thank her for the time when I needed it - for my own fault I suppo-"

"Ryan....." Chase didn't need to hear the guilt trip from Ryan once again. He remembered how hurt he was when things initially went down, but that was something that was totally in the past now. It was something he hadn't allowed to bother him, though couldn't help but feel a bit of sting in hearing Ryan recall the time he had with Isabelle.

"When we got together - all three of us, it was just a couple months after that when I realized the feelings I thought weren't true. It was why I broke it off, not wanting to put her through what I put you through." He then stops, taking a deep breath, glancing away from Chase as he saw the hurt still there in his eyes. "We haven't talked since then. But yet she texted me today, asking how I was and if we could see each other for lunch." 

"What did you send her back?" The question wasn't meant to have any additional intentions than face value - curiosity and wondering how Ryan was feeling about the situation. However, there was apprehension in Chase's mind should she re-enter the picture. She was the reason for the pain in the first place, after all. She was the reason he had his heart stomped on for a second time.

"I told her that I was doing good, hoped things were fine with her, but was not open to going out to lunch. My feelings haven't changed." Ryan also knew if he saw her, though, that it may re-open the door. Was he ready to welcome that? Were the others ready to welcome that? "It just bugs me that she'd message me after all this tim-"

"Kaitlyn came back into my life months after we broke up, and we both know what happened." Ryan froze as he didn't need a reminder, neither did Alex. The trio knew what Chase endured at her hands, having seen the pain that was experienced. It was something none of them wanted again on any level. "Just do me a solid and watch your back, please." 

"Always." Ryan then makes his way out of the room, knowing he needed to find some sort of distraction and perhaps making sure they were all fed was the perfect way to do that.

"Are you okay?" Alex questions once Ryan was out of ear shot, catching his teammate's attention. The question was meant to be simple, but yet it went deeper for Alex. He couldn't help but think about the conversation he had with Ryan yesterday. 

"I'm fine," Chase answers simply as he continues going through the exercises. "A little sore, but I'm doing good." The question didn't cause Alex to budge at all, resulting in Chase reaching over to give his hand a squeeze. "I'm fine, Alex. You don't need to worry about me. Everything that happened with Kaitlyn is in the past. Everything that happened with Ryan and Isabelle is there, too. Reminders may sting a little, and the thought of what happened may cause my skin to crawl. But I'm okay." 

Alex nods his head as he allows Chase to return back to what he was doing, burying his head back into the e-mails that he was reading before. However, he couldn't help but glance towards the kitchen and think about what Ryan had said, as well as the man that was beside him.

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