Chapter 22: 34 Raceway

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Alex takes a deep breath as he walks back towards the hauler. 

He looks over the mangled sprint car, just shaking his head as he takes in the damage. The wing was completely destroyed. The rear suspension was ripped out of it. The back of the frame was slightly bent. 

He then takes a deep breath, giving a simple nod to the guys as he makes his way up to just inside. He didn't want to speak to anyone right now, just wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. This was certainly not how he wanted to spend his birthday.

He was fast. He was showing speed and the progress they'd been making as a team had been paying off. Their short oval speed they had back in January had carried over, with a top-five qualifying effort. He knew his start could've been better, but he was ready to make his way back up front. Then it happened. Contact, wobble, and the ride of your life. 

He takes out his phone, seeing the multiple missed calls and text messages already from both Chase and Ryan. It didn't fair for this to be happening when the trio were in three different places at once - Chase testing at New Hampshire, Ryan at home, and Alex in Iowa.

He could sense the panic immediately in the series of messages from them both, wanting to hear anything that he was okay. He remembered his own panic at the Chili Bowl just a couple years ago, and the nervous seconds in not seeing Chase climb out. He remembered the walk back to the hauler, and comforting hug. He wanted to get that in return so much right now - knowing how much they needed it, and hoping it would offer the comfort he needed right now. 

He sends them both a pair of messages, assuring him that he was okay and would see them later that night. He just hoped Chase made the decision to fly home because he wanted to see both of his boys - not just Ryan tonight.

"Are you okay?" Alex hears, causing his eyes to lift off the device. He simply gives a nod, just like he had to the previous individuals in hopes that'd be all that was needed. "Are you sur-"

"I'm fine, Kyle," Alex cuts him off, wishing he would have left him alone already. Wouldn't it be the worst justice to have your teammate win on your birthday? 

"I just wanted to make sure...." Alex takes a deep breath, leaning back against the wall. He bites his tongue and lip, feeling the pain in his lower back grow a bit. "Alex, I can see you're in pai-"

"My back is a little sore. It's probably because of the landing. What else do you expect after a wreck like that? It'll be sore for a couple days - I'll be fine." Alex then turns to the cupboard, grabbing the bottle of Tylenol as he shakes a pair out onto the counter. Kyle watches him carefully, noticing the faces of pain only increase with each movement that he is making.

"Did you tell the paramedics?" Alex nods his head as he takes a deep breath, leaning against the counter as he swallows the pair of pills with some water. He clenches his eyes closed, remembering the conversation he had with them before climbing out of the car. After determining the pain wasn't overly serious with no pain elsewhere and ability to easily move, it was then he climbed out of the car. They then talked in the ambulance for a bit about how bad it was, and where it bothered him the most. "What did they tell you?"

"If it got worse that I should get it checked out..." His breath hitches in his throat, as the pain become constant, and enough to cause the clenching motion to follow. He doesn't even notice as Kyle places a hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe you should get checked ou-"

"I'm fin-"

"You don't look like you're fine right now, Alex. You're in pain." Alex lets his eyes turn to those of Kyle's, who could feel the sympathy in what he was feeling. If he was in this much pain, it could mean the weekend ahead was in question. Alex had been through that before. He had just watched Chase spend six weeks on the sidelines. He didn't want to go through that experience again. "Let me get Katelyn to take you over to the hospi-"

"I'm fin-"

"It may just be muscles, tendons, nothing serious - strained or pulled a muscle, bruising. It could also be much more serious than that and do you really want to take chances with your back? You mess up your spine, and you may not be walking your ass around. I'd suggest being better safe than sorry. If it's nothing, then hey, you have the assurance and they can give you something for the pain. But if its' something more, the sooner you know the better." Kyle then takes a deep breath as he pulls out his phone to text Katelyn. "Besides, Chase would kick my ass if I didn't make sure you took care of yourself." 

"I may actually like to see that." Kyle then looks at his teammate shocked as Alex lets out a sigh. He hated to admit that his teammates was right, though. "Fuck, it hurts man....." 

"Katelyn should be here in a few. Go with her. Get her to text me as soon as you hear an update." Alex slowly nods his head as he grabs his cell phone charger, stuffing it in the pocket of his firesuit just in case. He didn't want to lose his way of connecting with the boys. "Alex, you're going to be okay."

"I hope...." Alex then takes a deep breath as he makes his way slowly out of the trailer with Kyle in toe over to where Katelyn was standing. "I feel bad for him making you do this. You should be here supporting him."

"We're family Alex, this is what we do for family," Katelyn comments as she wraps an arm around Alex's shoulders, accepting the bag from Kyle. "Go kick some ass tonight - but don't find a way to join us. I love you."

"That's the plan," Kyle replies, offering her a quick kiss before watching her and Alex head off together. 

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