Chapter 84: Chili Bowl Test Session

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Alex takes a step back as he looks at the four midgets sitting by the trailer, each of them unloaded and on jack stands.

It had certainly been a journey to get to here. There were times that Alex didn't know if they would get to this point. There were times he wondered if they would be out of days to prepare. He remembered the fear in each day he was not at the shop working on something perhaps being a reason why would not make their deadline.  

The emotions overcame to get to here from the events in the shop. The pain that he tried to leave behind him one day at a time. The anger in allowing it to happen, and there of all places disappearing with each bolt assembled on one of the midgets. 

Though now standing there at Millbridge Speedway that December afternoon, he had to admit it was a good feeling. Actually, it was a great feeling. These weren't just four beautiful racecars. These were four hand-crafted machines that had his heart and soul poured into each one of them. These were symbolism of everything he had overcome emotional-wise over the past couple of weeks. 

"I don't know what to tell you except they all drive amazing and they all feel great," CJ comments as he sets his helmet down on the pit box. With Alex taking a step back from the driver's seat in light of everything that happened the past year, it was left up to CJ to test the four cars in ensuring they were all built to the team's high expectations. He would then choose the three primary rides which himself, Jake and KTJ would be driving next month. "They are all so equal that I can't even choose a favorite for myself." 

"That's got to be the best compliment to hear," Alex replies with a smile on his face. He knew it wasn't easy to make CJ happy as he was very critical of every piece of equipment he drove in wanting perfection. It just added to the confidence going into January. "I guess we can say our pit crew of rookie helpers officially did their job correctly." 

"I wish my shoulder was better so I could try one of these babies," Chase comments as he makes his way behind Alex, placing his head on his shoulder. He could feel the pride that Alex was feeling as well, in having been there through each step of the way. There was no way he could forget the late night conversations at the shop with CJ, or the late night tears he had cuddled Alex through. "It was fun driving for Kyle (Larson) and Chase (Briscoe), but we both know that you'd be the best car owner."

"I'm surprised being an asphalt guy that you are saying that, especially after almost flipping out of the park - and scaring someone half to death along the way...."  CJ couldn't help but smirk as he made the comment while keeping his eyes on Alex. It was a night he was not about to forget. Not because of that incident in particular, but learning of the true secret of the relationship then. He admittedly wasn't sure what to think at the beginning, but knew now it was certainly specialer than he could have imagined.

"Hey, that wasn't the plan. I had that top side rolling and was ready to get myself in that show...." Alex nods his head, as he remembered how much pride he had in seeing Chase's development as a driver in those short days behind the wheel. 

"Let's just hope we keep it shiny side up this time around because I would like a cheaper weekend. We're not supposed to spend every thing in the budget in one weekend wrecking shit..." CJ nods his head in agreement, knowing last year was the definition of everything not going to plan with each of the three cars getting wrecked more than once over the week. "I just want to say thank you to each of you for being here, for me. It's meant a lot..." 

"We'll always be here for you," Ryan comments as he reaches over, clasping Alex's hand with his own. "We love you, Alex. You shouldn't have had to go through that - none of us should have gone through what Kaitlyn did. It's not fair to any of us with what happened. That's why we've stuck together to get through this. You're never going to be alone, Alex. You will always have us here for you in your corner." 

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Alex replies, leaning in for a kiss on Ryan's lips as CJ looks away, certainly caught off-guard in the first real show of affection between the pair in front of him. He had seen the odd kiss between Alex and Chase, but nothing between them. "I love you, Ry." 

"I love you both," Chase adds as he looks between the pair with a smirk of his own. They all knew if CJ wasn't there, it would probably be a trip in the hauler to release the tension before loading up. 

"I could never stop loving you Chase," Ryan comments, with a deep breath of his own. He remembered the time they had spent apart. He was thankful for it in a way, in knowing it had allowed Chase and Alex to form a special bond that he was apart of now himself. But it certainly brought forth a pain that he never wanted to experience ever again. "I never did stop loving you through everything that happened...." 

"I know. I believe you. That's why I forgave you." Ryan and Chase then share a kiss of their own, before Chase and Alex cap off the round of kisses with a small make-out session. 

"Poor CJ, being left out of all the fun," Alex says afterwards, before tackling his friend from behind with a big hug. "You mean the world to me, too. I may love those boys a lot more than I love you, but I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, either." 

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