ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟾

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- This chapter takes place before she goes to UA when (Y/n) was 14 years old! -

Date: August 30, XXXX
Time: 6:17 a.m.
Location: Toshinori's House (in Tokyo)

Toshinori's morning started off awful, having only gone to bed three hours before having to wake up, due to an overnight mission that lasted the majority of the night and bled into the early hours of the morning. At the very least, it was a beautiful night. The stars had been more visible in the Japanese countryside than they ever are in main districts of Tokyo. It turned out to be a good pass time while Toshinori waited for the police to arrive and arrest the villains he caught along with a few minor heroes.

With droopy eyes, Toshinori stares at his hulking reflection in the mirror, blinking once, then twice, before yawning and promptly brushing his teeth. He brushes and brushes until they are pearly white and Toshinori could blind himself with his smile. He is the Symbol of Peace after all, he has to set a good example for all the kids who look up to him, dental hygiene is important!

Taking the time to grasp onto the strands of hair hanging limp in front of his face, he lifts them into the 'V' symbolizing victory. Flexing at his reflection in the mirror until he is satisfied that he looks less tired than he feels, Toshinori smiles and prepares himself for the morning ahead.

Noticing the time on the clock is starting to drift towards the later half of the hour, Toshinori is quick to rush into the kitchen and begin pulling pans and mixing bowls from their respective places while simultaneously pulling ingredients from his large fridge. He made you promise yesterday that he would make breakfast this morning since he was away during dinner time, your usual time to come over and spend time with Toshinori. A smile appears on Toshinori's face at the thought of getting to see you. Your adorable, grumpy face is exactly what he needs to help him wake up this morning.

Diving right in, Toshinori immediately starts whipping up a breakfast big enough to satisfy your appetite first thing in the morning. He knows how hungry you get after waking up, so he prepares omelettes, bacon, toast, and fresh fruit in preparation for your arrival. He told you to stop by around seven, so you should be here any minute now to eat.

Just as Toshinori snatches the last pieces of toast fresh from the toaster, the oven clock displays a blinking '7:00', perfect timing. He expects to hear your fist knocking on his front door just a second later, being the timely girl that you are. But, as he stands in his kitchen, the hulking, blond man is only met with silence. Not even the sound of your feet hitting the porch as you usually, conveniently teleport to his house right at seven. It's so quiet he could hear a pin drop as he waits for any sound to signal your arrival. Without warning, the neon green, blinking lights on his oven clock shift from '7:00' to '7:01'. You're officially late.

You're never late.

Furrowing his brow in concern, Toshinori leaves the kitchen and heads to the front door, opening it to stick his head out and gaze at his porch in its entirety. Nothing, even the street is empty. Only howling winds rush by to fill his ears. Scanning the porch again, he sighs in defeat coming to the realization there is nothing here. Nothing except for the dusty welcome mat in front of his door with a single, white envelope resting on it. The top corners are bent as if the person holding it had squeezed the piece of paper too tightly, leaving the corners bent inward. The script on the otherwise blank surface is neat and practiced, only saying 'Toshinori' and said man immediately recognizes it as your handwriting.

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