ʙᴏɴᴜs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ: ǫᴜɪʀᴋ ᴍᴀɴɪғᴇsᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

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- This chapter takes place before her dad dies when (Y/n) was 3 years old! -

Date: July 2, XXXX
Time: 8:21 a.m.
Location: (Y/n)'s Childhood Home

In the early hours of the morning, the sun rises over the horizon line to peek into your window to say hello and you can feel the world around you stretch and yawn, growing in activity with each passing second. These hours are one of (D/n)'s favorite times of the day. It's also the hours when he gets to spend the most time with the most precious person in his life, his little muffin.

Said muffin is coddled carefully in his arms, head of messy (h/c) hair resting on his shoulder as even breaths escape her and drool dribbles down her chubby cheeks. He tried to wake her early today so the small family could eat breakfast together before the day fully begins, (D/n)'s way of sharing these precious early hours with his favorite person. But, his little muffin was not in the mood to wake up yet, refusing to get out of bed until he scooped her up and stormed her out of the room himself, only for her to promptly fall back asleep on his shoulder. 

(D/n) wouldn't complain though, cooking up an amazing breakfast while rocking his daughter back and forth in his arms. Her hair swings from side to side with his easy rhythm, one strong hand holding her against his chest. It's difficult only being able to cook with one hand, and a couple of pancakes are burnt in the struggle to flip them over, but the meal is still fit for his little girl.

Said girl slowly begins to wake to the smell of fresh fruit and pancakes, eyes heavy and breaths slowly growing in strength until her large, (e/c) eyes pop open. Unaware that his daughter is now awake, though only half so, (D/n) steals a moment between setting out plates to press his lips to her head of tangled hair. His lips linger for a moment, soaking in the moment with his little girl that is about to be four years old. The time has gone by too quickly.

He hesitates to go back to cooking, but does so to avoid burning anything else. Just as he reaches to set a bunny shaped pancake on the lilac purple plate, (D/n) feels his princess squirming in his hold as she turns to face her head towards him, now very much awake. She promptly wipes the drool from her cheek onto his nighttime shirt with a cute but mischievous smile, gazing up at her father with sparkling, (e/c) eyes that match her mother's.

"I love you, Dada," She whispers, nuzzling back into his shoulder with a sleepy yawn.

(D/n) feels the corners of his mouth lift in a smile, leaning to press another kiss to the girl's forehead and whispering the reciprocating words into her little ears. The rays of pestering light streaming in through the window residing above the sink shines against the girl's lids, causing her to groan and bury further into her father's warmth for protection.

The rest of their morning is quiet, with only the occasional scrap of utensils against pans and running of the kitchen faucet. (D/n) keeps his daughter close, letting the sleepy girl grab onto the ends of his hair with chubby fingers to twist and pull it as she pleases. He doesn't mind, as long as his little girl is relaxed. And, within a few minutes, two plates are made up of pancakes adorned with fruit, syrup, and powdered sugar. One is decorated as a bunny with a face of syrup and fruit cut as flowers surrounding it, while the other is plain with only a slather of butter on top.

(D/n) begrudgingly sets his muffin in her high chair, buckling her in with the pure white clasp so she won't fall. He takes his rightful seat across the tiny, circle table from her, noticing the frown on his daughter's face as she looks between their untouched plates.

"What's the matter, Muffin?" He asks, trying to hide his hint of worry as he watches her pout.

"Where is Dada's bunny?"

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