ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟸

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Date: September 22, XXXX
Time: 8:24 p.m.
Location: UA Campus

"Oi, be careful dumbass," Katsuki tells you sternly, tightening his arms around your waist as a warning while leaning down to kiss your forehead. He whispers a few threats in your ear, you smacking Katsuki's chest several times until he lets you go with a snarky chuckle.

You pout at the spiky-haired male, getting a cocky smirk in response. "When am I not careful? I'm the embodiment of grace and stealth," You reply, crossing your arms across your chest as your boyfriend of two years raises a brow at your statement.

"Do I need to remind you of the time you tried to sneak into my room and tripped over the desk chair and almost broke your nose from the fall? And the time you tripped over a cord and fell into the balcony door. Also, the time you saw a duck and-"

"Oh, shut up!"

Katsuki's smirk widens as you smack his chest, reaching toward you to pull you into his arms and press you against his muscled chest. The two of you are silent for a whole minute before Katsuki shifts within your grip, toying with the ends of your hair and placing another kiss against your forehead, then both cheeks, and finally a short peck on the lips.

"I'll be fine," You whisper, noticing the expression on Katsuki's face. His eyes are still closed, and his lips linger right above yours, almost hesitant to move away.

Katsuki shifts, laying his forehead against yours and breathing out a sigh through his nose. He doesn't flinch away as you reach a hand up and start to play with the hair against the nape of his neck, his favorite way to be comforted. "I know you will, it's just that I also know how much of a dumbass you are. Especially after being around Dunce Face and Shitty Hair," He mumbles, holding you a little closer.

You chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood, knowing that he's more worried about this than you are.

He always is.

"It's an easy mission and there won't even be anyone noteworthy there for me to worry about. Besides, I'll be with the old flamey-spark man so we'll watch each other's backs," You tell Katsuki, smiling at him to ease the tension in his muscles, "I'll be home around midnight if everything goes as planned."

Katsuki finally releases you, you getting on your tippy-toes to kiss his cheek since the asshole had the audacity to grow taller like a fucking skyscraper. He takes a hold of your hand, kissing the promise ring on your finger before fully letting you go so you can finally leave.

"I love you Shrimpy."

"I love you too Asshat," You smile, and disappear into the chilled, autumn night air a moment later.

Katsuki sighs, a little disappointed that he's going to have to sleep alone until you get back, but trudges back towards the elevator anyway. He passes his group of idiots, Mina calling out to him from over the back of the couch with one of her usual, dumb smiles.

"Did (Y/n) leave?"

"Obviously! Look at how grumpy he is!" Kaminari chimes in before Bakugo can respond, earning him a nasty glare that threatens to destroy his soul and body.

Kirishima chuckles loudly at his friend's outburst, heading falling back as his long, red hair falls over the arm of the couch. The idiot made the unfortunate decision to let it grow out, so it looks even shittier than it did during their first year at UA.

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