ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟿

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- Continuation of previous chapter: Still takes place before she goes to UA when (Y/n) was 14 years old! -

Date: December 1, XXXX
Time: 8:14 a.m.
Location: Toshinori's House (in Tokyo)

A whole week has passed since you successfully completed your mission to take down the Hexad, kicking their asses and landing them a nice cell in Tartarus. In the end, all of their illegal facilities were shut down thanks to the heroes of Japan banning together for this one mission to insure most of their partners were caught and all of the people subjected to sex trafficking, human experimentation, and torture were saved, sent back home, and are now receiving the mental/physical healthcare they need.

Afterwards, as a reward for your hard work and bravery, your ranking rose from 18th to 9th in the hero stats. All the way to fucking 9th! Making you an official member of the top 10 heroes much to Toshinori's disappointment and excitement. He's been pretty mixed on the matter since the news was revealed. On one hand, he is super proud of you and wants nothing more than to celebrate this special occasion with you and your hero family. But, on the other, being a part of the top 10 also means more missions and strenuous hero work. When he started crying, you couldn't be sure whether it was from joy or fear. Probably both.

Either way, everything worked itself out in the end and you moved up in the ranks just like you were hoping. Well...everything except one thing has worked itself out.

"Toshiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" You whine, kicking your legs in the air like you're pedaling a bicycle while waiting for the male to acknowledge your cries. You pout when all you hear in response is ingredients being whisked together in a bowl and the oven humming as it heats up. You know he can hear you, he's just ignoring you.


"Yes, (Y/n)?" He responds softly, eyes flickering to your form on the couch. Your head hangs upside down over the arm as you stare him down with pouted lips, your legs still kicking the air.

The TV plays quietly across from you, the volume only on five as the news gossips once again about Phantom being promoted to the top 10 heroes. It has been covered on every news station at least twice since the details and incredible success of your mission were released to the public. People now praise you endlessly for your strength and you have been sent many fan letters of families thanking you for saving their sister/child/father or whoever was being held captive by the Hexad and returning them home. Even more people have joined the fan club you didn't even know you had until you saw the crowd of cheering people outside of the Hero President's office holding signs and wearing shirts with your ensigna printed on them when you went there for an interview. The moment they saw you, they erupted in screams and cries of excitement.

It feels amazing, knowing this many people love you and believe in your abilities. But, you still haven't returned to hero work since your mission thanks to Toshinori. He is keeping you captive at his house, watching your every move like a hawk ever since he found out about your gunshot wound. You tried to reassure him that you're fine but he wouldn't hear a word of it. So, for the time being you are imprisoned to the couch where you complain endlessly to annoy Toshinori in hopes he'll get tired of you and kick you out.

It hasn't worked yet.

Staring him dead in the eye, your (e/c) ones fill to the brim with boredom. You make sure to express your displeasure with your current situation at the male with every passing second.

"Nothing," You respond, going back to watching TV as the poor man sighs in exhaustion.

You are impossible.

Returning his attention back to the pans in front of him, Toshinori pours the mixture of beaten eggs and milk onto the heated surface and it sizzles lightly. He watches carefully, chopsticks poised to attack at any moment. In minutes, two perfect omelettes rest atop a portion of rice still steaming and a savory aroma drifts from the kitchen.

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