ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟸

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⚠️Warning: Mentions of blood and drug overdoses (kinda)! ⚠️

Date: November 1, XXXX
Time: 12:22 p.m.
Location: Warehouse in Slums of Tokyo

The trio of heroes-in-training sit impatiently on the edge of a concrete rooftop, bundled up in their winter attire and staring intently at the warehouse just across the street. The lights are off and not even a mouse has been seen going in or out of the building since they set up camp in the early hours of the morning. Shrieking winds howl in their ears that begin to turn deaf to the noise after so many hours sitting atop the cold concrete. There's no snow littering the ground this early in the year, but with how the air seems to thicken with each passing second, it might as well be.

The trio is supposed to be on a lookout mission to catch drug dealers in the act, but so far they haven't had any luck with locating a single one. An anonymous lead passed down to them by the police department said there's supposed to be a transaction at this location. But, with each silent moment that ticks by, it starts to feel like a dead-end.

Midoriya clutches his third cup of coffee close to his chest, savoring the heat that rolls off in calming waves. Ever so slightly, his fingers are warmed within his gloves and he sighs in relief. His breath is accompanied by a puff of vapor and is the only sound between the boys excepted for the howling wind that blows right through their coats and costumes to ice their skin. Except for Todoroki, who doesn't seem bothered by the cold at all. Meanwhile, the other, less fortunate boys feel chilled to the bone and are convinced the moment they try to move, they'll discover their limbs are numb and frozen to the ground.

Almost as if they're in a trance, the trio stares at the building without moving except to take a sip of their drinks or adjust their scarves. Bakugo's tired eyes blur for a moment, forcing him to blink and then resume his previous position. The cold is starting to get to all of them, making it feel as if their eyelids will be frozen open if they stare for too long. With the winter weather rushing in like a storm, much earlier than usual compared to previous years, it's made it harder for heroes to do their usual patrols. Many have been rejecting missions that require long hours outside, pushing them onto those still in training who don't have a choice.

Though, the current No. 1 Hero wasn't lucky enough to get the option of rejecting this mission. Considering Endeavor has three interning heroes in training at his agency that have to supervised, the old man was dragged along to watch over them during the mission. He disappeared about half an hour ago to walk the perimeter around the area they monitor and hasn't come back yet. It wouldn't surprise any of them if he left them to get lunch, everyone is starting to get hungry.

As if to prove a point, Midoriya's stomach growls and he squeaks in surprise at the sudden, loud noise. The other two turn their attention to him, one with a glare and the other slightly concerned.

"You alright, Izuku?" Todoroki questions, doing his best to be quiet while showing his concern for his boyfriend. The heterochromatic boy earns an aggressive nod in response, the green-haired boy turning his attention back to the building to continue their mission and deciding his slight hunger wasn't an issue at the moment.

But, later.

Bakugo turns his glaring eyes from his childhood friend to the warehouse as well, piercing the steel walls with his red eyes as if it'll speed this whole damn thing up.

It did not.

A few minutes tick by in more silence, except for the occasional growl of a stomach or shift against the concrete. They really should have eaten more than a granola bar before coming out here and sitting on the cold concrete is starting to make their bodies ache. The lack of movement or any kind of excitement in the last eight hours wears on their motivation, transporting their thoughts to how nice and warm the Height's Alliance must be for all of their classmates. They're lucky to be at UA right now instead of in the freezing cold with only lukewarm coffee to fill their stomachs. But, this mission is important and not something they can just abandon in favor of grabbing a bite to eat. The pills sold by these dealers are capable of temporarily enhancing a person's quirk to new levels but also has dangerous drawbacks on their bodies. It's important to get these drugs off the streets so no one else gets hurt.

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